Onion Lake Cree Nation

Onion Lake Cree Nation

Onion Lake Cree Nation, comprising the adjacent Makaoo 120 and Seekaskootch 119 Indian reserves, is a First Nations community in Canada that straddles the Alberta/Saskatchewan provincial border approximately 50 km (31 mi) north of the City of Lloydminster.[1]

It is within Alberta's County of Vermilion River and Saskatchewan's Rural Municipality of Frenchman Butte No. 501 at the intersection of Highway 17 and Alberta Highway 641/Saskatchewan Highway 797.[2]

The Makaoo 120 reserve is located within both provinces while the Seekaskootch 119 reserve is wholly within Saskatchewan. With the two reserves combined, the Onion Lake Cree Nation has a total land mass of 21,254.6 hectares (52,521 acres), and has an estimated 4,956 registered First Nations members.[1]

Onion Lake takes its name after the nearby lake in Alberta.

The Onion Lake Cree Nation has four schools within the community, one of which is a Cree immersion program.

Onion Lake, Saskatchewan

The unincorporated area of Onion Lake is located within the Saskatchewan portion of the Onion Lake Cree Nation[3] at the intersection of Highway 17 and Alberta Highway 641/Saskatchewan Highway 797.[2]


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Coordinates: 53°43′N 110°00′W / 53.717°N 110°W / 53.717; -110

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