

The word Imamate (Arabic: إمامة Transliterated: Imamah) is an Arabic word ("Imam") with an English language suffix ("ate") meaning "leadership". Its use in theology is confined to the religion of Islam.

Theological usage:

NOTE: The term "Caliphate", an anglicanized Arabic word meaning "successorship", is often used interchangably with the term "Imamate". Both terms, not always but most often, refer to the position of "Succeeding and Leading" the Muslim community after the death of the Prophet Muhammad.

*Imamate (Shi`i Doctrine) - A "divine" institution which succeeded the institution of Prophethood. Its appointees ("Imams") are divinly appointed; e.g. Prophethood and Prophets.
**Imamate (Twelver Shi`i Doctrine) - The doctrine of Imamate according to Twelver Shi`ah Islam.
**Imamate (Ismaili Shi`i Doctrine) - The doctrine of Imamate according to Ismaili Shi`ah Islam.
**Imamate (Zaydi Shi`i Doctrine) - The doctrine of Imamate according to Zaydi Shi`ah Islam.
* Imamate/Caliphate (Sunni Doctrine) - A "non-divine" institution which succeeded the institution of Prophethood. Its appointees ("Caliphs") are "not" divinly appointed; e.g. an Islamic scholar.
* Imamate/Caliphate (Ahmadi Doctrine) - A "non-divine" institution which succeeded the institution of Prophethood. Its appointees ("Caliphs") are "not" divinly appointed; e.g. an Islamic scholar. The Ahmadi doctrine of "Imamate/Caliphate" is almost identical to the of the Sunni doctrine.

Theological literature on the Imamate doctrine:

*"Imamate and Leadership" - by Mujtaba Musavi Lari
*"Imamate: The Vicegerency of the Prophet" - by Seyyid Sa'id Akhtar Rizvi

Historical uasage may refer to:

*Caucasian Imamate - a state during the early and mid-19th Century in the Eastern Caucasus.

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