Air sock

Air sock

An Air sock is a textile or fabric duct used for draught-free air distribution and delivery of conditioned air as an alternative to traditional spiral or rectangular steel ducts with grilles and diffusers. Fabric ducts are usually cheaper in material cost, and are quicker to install than conventional metal systems.



The ducts can be suspended on virtually any type of ceiling as the ducts only weigh approximately 12kg. Air socks are mounted on extruded aluminium rails, these are hung from the ceiling and continually support the ducts along their length.

The systems are very flexible and can be tailored to all possible dimensions, shapes and lengths for almost all types of rooms. Low velocity systems diffuse air through their surface or micro perforations, higher velocity, mixing systems use laser cut perforations or Textile Nozzles to throw the air.

The ducts come pre-finished in a range of colours and so do not require protective painting.


See also


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