- Drasnia (Belgariad and Malloreon)
Kingdom of Drasnia Royal anthem: (Anthem of the King of Drasnia) Capital Boktor Ethnic groups Alorn Demonym Drasnian Government Monarchy - King of Drasnia Kheva - Regent Porenn Establishment - Division of Aloria 2000 A.C. - Invasion of the Angaraks 4865 A.C. - Coronation of Kheva I 5375 A.C. Drasnia is a fictional kingdom in David Eddings' The Belgariad. It is a part of the Alorn Alliance. It was ruled by Rhodar IX until 5375, when his 6 year-old son Kheva took the throne.
Drasnia is a land of hilly moors and few trees. The majority of the land is open hill country with sparse vegetation. The sole exception to this is the fens, an area of marshland dominating south-west Drasnia and north-east Algaria. There are only three major cities: Kotu, Rheon, and the capital Boktor. The rest of the people live in small villages in the fens or on the northern moors.
Early Years
Drasnia was founded in 2000 A.C. by Dras Bull-neck during the breakup of Aloria.[1] It originally contained modern Gar og Nadrak, but this was lost when the Angaraks migrated to the West. During the Early part of this migration, the Drasnians were frequently involved in skirmishes with the Nadraks. Things quieted down until 2312, when the Nadraks invaded Drasnia. The Drasnians were ready for the invasion and defeated the invasion force.
The Angarak Invasion
In the year 4865, the Angaraks, under the command of Kal Torak, poured into Drasnia. The war was terrible. The Alorns had been pulled out of position, so the fighting was left up to the Drasnian Army. The invaders destroyed every village they came across and sacrificed all the prisoners to Torak. The only survivors of that campaign were the ones that got out of the country.
Torak eventually made his way to Arendia, where he was defeated at Vo Mimbre by the combined Armies of the West, including the Drasnian Army. After the war, the Drasnians rebuilt their country.
The Belgariad and Malloreon
For the next 500 years, Drasnia was peaceful, and profited from both commerce and espionage. Then, in 5371, Belgarion became King of Riva and Drasnia was brought into a war with the Angaraks. They were victorious, and Torak was slain by Belgarion.[2]
Then, in 5380, Drasnia itself was turned into a war zone during the Battle of Rheon. The Drasnian forces during the battle turned on Belgarion when they were told lies about the Queen being held hostage. They were bogged down, though, when Polgara and Beldin diverted a river through the valley they were in, and the Bear-cult was defeated.[3]
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