Dragon Ball: Saikyō e no Michi Original Soundtrack

Dragon Ball: Saikyō e no Michi Original Soundtrack
Dragon Ball: Saikyō e no Michi Original Soundtrack
Soundtrack album by Akira Tokunaga
Released March 23, 1996 (1996-03-23)
Genre Anime
Length 39:28
Language Japanese
Label Zain Records

Dragon Ball: Saikyō e no Michi Original Soundtrack (ドラゴンボール最強への道オリジナルサウンドトラック Doragon Bōru Saikyō e no Michi Orijinaru Saundotorakku?, Dragon Ball: Road of The Mightiest) is the official licensed soundtrack of 10th anniversary Dragon Ball movie by the same name (The Path to Power in Funimation dub.). It was released by Columbia Records on March 23, 1996 in Japan only. This album contains a track from the film that also played in Dragon Ball GT due to that the shows composer Akira Tokunaga worked on the film as well. As a result this album is sought after by many fans of the GT series. The album also includes a cinematic version of the GT opening theme song "Dan Dan Kokoro Hikareteku" by the band Field of View.

Track listing

  1. 序章~パオズ山~
    Joshō~Paozu Yama~/Prologue: Mount Pao-tzu
  2. ビックリ遭遇!~悟空とブルマ~Ⅰ
    Bikkuri Sōgū!!~Gokū to Buruma~Ⅰ/A Surprise Encounter!!: Goku and Bulma
  3. 「女の子」にはシッポがない!?~悟空とブルマ~Ⅱ
    "On’na no Ko" ni wa Shippo ga Nai!?~Gokū to Buruma Ⅱ/"Girls" Don't Have Tails!?: Goku and Bulma Ⅱ
  4. bridge①~じっちゃんがふえちゃった!?~
    Burijji ①~Jit-chan ga Fuechatta!?/Bridge ①: Grandpa Multiplied!?
  5. ドラゴンボールの秘密~神龍~
    Doragon Bōru no Himitsu~Shenron~/The Secret of the Dragon Balls: Shenlong
  6. 出発!ドラゴンボールへの旅~悟空とブルマ~Ⅲ
    Shuppatsu!! Doragon Bōru e no Tabi~Gokū to Buruma Ⅲ~/Setting Out!! The Journey toward the Dragon Balls: Goku and Bulma Ⅲ
  7. bridge②~レッドリボン軍総本部~
    Burijji ②~Reddo Ribon Gun Sôhonbu~/Bridge 2: Red Ribbon Army Headquarters
  8. ウーロンのテーマ~巨大ロボに変身~
    Ūron no Tēma~Kyodai Robo ni Henshin~/Theme of Oolong: Transformation into a Giant Robot
  9. ウーロンのテーマ~時間切れ!ウーロンの変身は5分間~
    Ūron no Tēma~Jikan Kire! Ūron no Henka wa 5 Bunkan~/Theme of Oolong: Time Limit!! Oolong's Transformations are for 5 Minutes
  10. エッチなウーロン~夢はパフパフ…~
    Etchi na Ūron~Yume wa Pafu-Pafu...~/The Perverted Oolong: His Dream is a Puff-Puff...
  11. 危機!! 荒野の大泥棒ヤムチャ来襲
    Kiki!! Kôya no Dai-Dorobō Yamucha Raishū/Crisis!! Yamcha, the Great Bandit of the Wild Attacks
  12. 強敵ヤムチャ~狼牙風風拳~
    Kyōteki Yamucha/The Formidable Foe, Yamcha
  13. ヤムチャ退敵!?ブルマにドッキリふらふら
    Yamucha Taisan!? Buruma ni Dokkiri Fura-Fura/Yamcha Cracks!? Sent into a Shocked Swoon by Bulma
  14. bridge③~発見!一星球~
    Burijji ③~Hakken!! Īshinchū~/Bridge 3: Discovery!! The Yi Xing Qiu
  15. レッドリボン軍のテーマ~マッスルタワーのホワイト将軍~
    Reddo Ribon Gun no Tēma/The Red Ribbon Army's Theme
  16. 快進撃!悟空
    Kaishingeki!! Gokū/A Sweeping Charge!! Goku
  17. 対決!! メタリック軍曹
    Taiketsu!! Metarikku Gunsō/Confrontation!! Sergeant Metallic
  18. ハッチャンのテーマⅠ~人造人間8号登場~
    Hat-chan no Tēma 1~Jinzôningen Hachi-gō Tōjō~/Theme of 8-chan 1: Artificial Human #8 Comes on Stage
  19. ハッチャンのテーマⅡ~人造人間8号優しい勇気と覚悟~
    Hat-chan no Tēma 2~Jinzōningen Hachi-gō no Yasashii Yūki to Kakugo~/Theme of 8-chan 2: Artificial Human #8's Gentle Courage and Determination
  20. ハッチャンと悟空の出会い
    Hat-chan to Gokū no Deai/The Meeting of 8-chan and Goku
  21. ハッチャンのテーマⅢ~今日からともたち~
    Hat-chan no Tēma 3~Kyō Kara Tomodachi~/Theme of 8-chan 3: Friends From This Day on
  22. bridge④~海ガメの思返しは果たして!?~
    Burijji ④~Umigame no Ongaeshi wa Hatashite!?~/Bridge ④: Is the Sea Turtle's Repayment for Real!?
  23. 海辺の夜明け
    Umibe no Yoake/Dawn on the Beach
  24. bridge⑤~海辺の朝~
    Burijji ⑤~Umibe no Asa~/Bridge ⑤: Morning on the Beach
  25. 亀仙人のテーマ
    Kame-Sen'nin no Tēma/Theme of Kame-Sen'nin
  26. 筋斗雲
  27. 悟空﹑筋斗雲に乗る!!br>Gokū, Kinto-Un ni Noru!!/Goku, Riding on Kinto-Un!!
  28. お色気ブルマにドッキドキ!! 亀仙人
    O-iroke Buruma ni Dokki-Doki!! Kame-Sen'nin/Put into Palpitations by the Sexy Bulma!! Kame-Sen'nin
  29. レッドリボン軍のテーマ~総攻撃!ブルー将軍~
    Reddo Ribon Gun no Tēma/Theme of The Red Ribbon Army
  30. 本家本元!武天老師のかめはめ波!
    Sōkōgeki!! Burū Shōgun/All-Out Offensive!! General Blue
  31. 誕生!悟空のかめはめ波
    Honkehonmoto! Muten Rôshi/The Original! Muten Rôshi
  32. ブルマのロマンス~あこがれのヤムチャ様…!?~
    Buruma no Romansu~Akogare no Yamucha-sama...!?/Bulma's Romance: The Yearned-After Lord Yamcha...!?
  33. 荒れ果てた戦場
    Arehate 'ta Senjô/The Desolate Battlefield
  34. 大空にバトル!悟空VSバイオレット大佐
    Ōzora no Batoru! Gokū VS Baioretto Taisa/Battle in the Sky! Goku vs. Colonel Violet
  35. レッドリボン軍のテーマ~飛行船の追撃~
    Reddo Ribon Gun no Tēma~Hikôtei no Tsuigeki~/Theme of The Red Ribbon Army: Seaplane Pursuit
  36. レッドリボン軍~総本部大決戦~
    Reddo Ribon Gun no Tēma~Sōhonbu Dai-Kessen~/Theme of The Red Ribbon Army: Headquarters' Great Deciding Battle
  37. レッド総帥の最期~ブラックの野望~
    Reddo Sōsui no Saigo~Burakku no Yabô~/Final Moments of Commander Red:The Plot of Black
  38. 巨大ロボット出現!!
    Kyodai Robotto Shutsugen!!/A Giant Robot Appears!!
  39. 最後の総帥・ブラックの反乱
    Saigo no Sōsui-Burakku no Hanran/The Last Commander: The Rebellion of Black
  40. 最大のピンチ悟空!ハッチャン登場
    Saidai no Pinchi Gokū! Hat-chan Tōjō/Goku in His Greatest Pinch! 8-chan Shows Up
  41. ハッチャンのテーマⅣ~ブラックVSハッチャン~
    Hat-chan no Tēma Ⅳ~Burakku VS Hat-chan~/Theme of 8-chan Ⅳ: Black vs. 8-chan
  42. ハッチャン~悟空との想い出 そして永遠の眠りへ~
    Hat-chan~Gokū to no Omoide Soshite Eien no Nemuri e~/8-chan: Memories of Goku, and then Eternal Sleep
  43. 悲しみと怒りのオーラ
    Kanashimi to Ikari no Ōra/An Aura of Sadness and Anger
  44. グランド・フィナーレ~神秘の力~
    Gurando Fināre~Shinpi no Chikara~/The Grand Finale: Mysterious Power
    DAN DAN Kokoro Hikarete 'ku (Cinema Version)/Gradually, You're Charming My Heart (Cinema Version)

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