Dov Freiberg

Dov Freiberg

Dov Freiberg (1927–2008) was a Holocaust writer and witness at the Eichmann trial and the Demjanjuk case.


Dov Freiberg was born to Moses and Rebecca Freiberg in 1927 at Warsaw. Years of his childhood, the industrial city of Lodz, where his father was a factory order. With the beginning of the Nazi occupation of his father and brother tried to escape eastward, but his father was shot by the Germans achieved and attacked the convoy in which he went. After a few months his mother moved with her ​​four children to her parents in Warsaw, which was included in the ghetto was established in November 1940 in the heart of the Jewish Quarter. a year later, in autumn 1941, when conditions in the ghetto thick worsened and tens of thousands of its residents died and killed him, spurred him to his mother to escape from the ghetto with the assistance of a smuggler, Freiberg escaped to the remote town Turobin district of Lublin, where the Jews lived in town, including the family of his father, a sense of relative calm.

On May 17, 1942 the town was surrounded by people suddenly SS accompanied by local assistants and Ukrainians. Most of the Jewish town, along with other Jewish towns nearby, brutally deported to the extermination camp Sobibor . Freiberg's arrival to Sobibor, workers managed to squeeze forced the group issued from the designated delivery gas destruction, and was employed initially in sorting clothing and belongings and then in various forced labor, and that under the regime of abuse, hunger and murderous terrorism. Freiberg managed to survive the harsh conditions of the camp about 17 months.

In October 1943, Freiberg participated in the sobibor prisoners revolt, and managed to escape into nearby woods and join Joseph Serchuk's partisan unit until the region release by the Soviet Army in July 1944.

After the war, he moved briefly Freiberg in Lodz and from there moved to Germany. Germany joined the training group consisting of Holocaust survivors, where he met his future wife - Sarah. This group tried to climb in the summer of 1947 down on the ship Exodus was captured by the British and sent back to Germany. in 1948 Freiberg ground up, and together with the training group settled in Kibbutz shifts in northern Sharon . Where he received military training and fought in the War of Independence. Freiberg then settled in Ramle, where he joined the army for military service, and served as a sapper in the Engineering Corps. During his military service, he released his daughters Rebecca and Yael.

Freiberg testified at 1961 at the Eichmann trial, where he told about the horrors of the extermination camp Sobibor. Four years later in 1965 was invited to Germany for testify at the trial in Hagen, where SS officers were tried acting in Sobibor.

Freiberg was a popular lecturer, and lectured frequently before students, soldiers, officers, and educational frameworks for Holocaust Studies. Freiberg went twice with youth delegations to Poland as evidence. Also invited by Israeli Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin formally participate in the expedition left Poland.

Freiberg testified in 1987 also in Demjanjuk, and presented the court against the release claiming that he should be tried for his crimes even camp Sobibor.

Freiberg widowed wife Sarah at the end of 2006, and died few months later in March 2008 in his hometown, Ramla.

His books

Freiberg wrote four books:

Relic from Sobibor (in Hebrew: שריד מסוביבור), published on 1988, tells the history since the outbreak of World War II, the Holocaust, Illegal Immigration to Israel aboard the Exodus until the day of arrival to Israel. The book was a great success and came in eight Hebrew editions, and the edition of the translation in English as 'To Survive Sobibor' in Gefen Books.

Journey to the Past with Gefen Shibolim was published on 1993, describes his experiences with the campaign conducted by a group of high school students at 1991, the trip included a visit to Freiberg's first camp site Sobibor 48 years after escaping from its territory.

Be one person, was published on 1996, describes of coping with life in Israel as a Holocaust survivor, and his testimony at the Eichmann trial.

Between Two Worlds, was published on 2001, describes the duality of his life between the world of the Holocaust and the world after.

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