Dodecatheon dentatum

Dodecatheon dentatum
Dodecatheon dentatum
Conservation status

Apparently Secure (NatureServe)
Scientific classification
Kingdom: Plantae
(unranked): Angiosperms
(unranked): Eudicots
(unranked): Asterids
Order: Ericales
Family: Primulaceae
Genus: Dodecatheon
Species: D. dentatum
Binomial name
Dodecatheon dentatum

Dodecatheon dentatum is a species of flowering plant in the primrose family known by the common name white shooting star. It is native to the Pacific Northwest in North America, including British Columbia, Washington, Oregon, and Idaho.

This plant is a perennial herb growing to 40 or 50 centimeters in height. The leaves have pointed oval blades up to 10 centimeters long by 6 wide with wavy or toothed edges. Each is borne on a long, winged petiole. The inflorescence contains 1 to 11 or 12 flowers. It arises on a tall, erect flowering stalk. The flower corolla has five white lobes each 1 or 2 centimeters long. They are reflexed away from the flower's center, which contains one style surrounded by large reddish, purplish or black anthers containing pollen.[1][2]

This species is sometimes divided into subspecies.[3][4] Two of these may be treated as separate species, Dodecatheon ellisiae, native to Arizona and New Mexico,[5] and the pink-flowered Dodecatheon utahense, a Utah endemic.[6]


  1. ^ Dodecatheon dentatum. Washington Burke Museum.
  2. ^ Dodecatheon dentatum. Flora of North America.
  3. ^ Dodecatheon dentatum. USDA Plants Profile.
  4. ^ Dodecatheon dentatum. The Nature Conservancy.
  5. ^ Dodecatheon ellisiae. Flora of North America.
  6. ^ Dodecatheon utahense. Flora of North America.

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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