Dinder National Park

Dinder National Park

Dinder National Park is a national park and biosphere reserve in eastern Sudan, on the Sudanese border with Ethiopia approximately 400 kilometers southeast of Khartoum. It was established as a park in 1935 and designated in 1979 as a member of the World Network of Biosphere Reserves.

Dinder National Park is biologically significant because it falls on the border between the Sahel and Ethiopian ecoregions. It contains three distinct ecosystems: riverine, woodland, and maya (oxbow lake). The park is home to 27 species of large mammals, over 160 species of birds, 32 species of fish, and small mammals, bats, reptiles, and amphibians. It is in a major flyway used by birds migrating between Eurasia and Africa.

The ecology of the park is threatened by encroachment from cattle herders who are being displaced from their traditional grazing lands by the expansion of crop agriculture, through the fundamental cause of expanding regional population.

In prior times the locale has been a habitat of the Painted Hunting Dog, Lycaon pictus, but this endangered canid has had a decline in its numbers in this region.[1]


Line notes

  1. ^ C. Michael Hogan. 2009

Coordinates: 12°17′00″N 35°29′00″E / 12.2833°N 35.4833°E / 12.2833; 35.4833

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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