
Scientific classification
Domain: Eukaryota
(unranked): Rhizaria
Phylum: Cercozoa
Class: Proteomyxidea?
Order: Heliomonadida


The Heliomonadida[1] (formerly Dimorphida[2]) are a small group of heliozoa that are unusual in possessing flagella throughout their life-cycle.

There are two genera:

  • Heliomorpha, a tiny organism found in freshwater
  • the larger Tetradimorpha, which is distinguished by having four rather than two flagella.

Bundles of microtubules, typically in square array, arise from a body near the flagellar bases and support the numerous axopods that project from the cell surface.

Dimorphids have a single nucleus, and mitochondria with tubular cristae. Genetic studies place them among the Cercozoa, a group including various other flagellates that form pseudopods.


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