

The flabiol, (also known as flaviol, flubiol or fabirol), a woodwind instrument which also is normally played one-handed with a drum [Was the Tabor Pipe Always as We Know It? Jeremy Montagu] [World Music: The Rough Guide - Page 108by Simon Broughton, Mark Ellingham, Richard Trillo] [Isaac Albeniz: Portrait of a Romantic - Page 197 by Walter Aaron Clark ] . It is one of the 12 instruments of cobla. The flabiol player usually plays a small drum called "tamborí" attached to the left elbow. It measures about 20 - 25 centimeters in length and has five or six holes on its front face and three underneath. The flabiol plays some bars of a high-pitched theme. [Gatherings from Catalonia - Page 141 by John Langdon-Davies]


The two main types are "dry flabiol" that lacks fingering keys and "flabiol of keys" or "flabiol for cobla" that is the one that is used for the sardanas and other folk music ensembles. The flabiol is accompanied by a small drum called a tambori that is held on the left elbow and it is struck with the right hand. All sardanas begin with an introduction interpreted by the flabiol. Its traditional geographic zone extends from the south of Catalonia to the Roussillon area of France, and from the Eastern strip of Aragon to the Balearic islands, where it is used as solo instrument with its own melodies. Apart from being in the cobla band for the performance of sardanas, the flabiol is also found in the reduced version of the cobla known as "cobla of three quarters" formed of one tarota or tible, a flabiol and a "sac de gemecs" (bagpipes).


ee also

*Pipe and tabor

External links

* [http://www.geocities.com/iberiamidi/ MIDI files of folk pieces for flabiol collected by Joan Tomàs and Joan Amades] * [http://www.interacesso.pt/web/wencesmc Mirror site]

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