Die Deutschen Inschriften

Die Deutschen Inschriften

Die Deutschen Inschriften des Mittelalters und der Frühen Neuzeit (DI) (engl.: The German Inscriptions of Medieval and Early Modern Times) is one of the oldest modern endeavours to collect and redact medieval and early modern inscriptions in Europe. The project was instituted by the German linguist Friedrich Panzer (Heidelberg) in association with the historians Karl Brandi (Göttingen) and Hans Hirsch (Vienna) as an interacademic venture of epigraphical publication in 1934. Encompassed are inscriptions ranging from the Early Middle Ages to the year of 1650 (and later on) localized in the areas that are today known as the Federal Republic of Germany, the Republic of Austria and South Tyrol. By now the epigraphical research centers involved have published 81 volumes. An individual volume contains usually the inscriptions of a single city or Landkreis respectively called Politischer Bezirk in Austria. The venture is supported by the German Academies of Sciences in Berlin, Düsseldorf, Göttingen, Heidelberg, Leipzig, Mainz and München as well as the Austrian Academy of Sciences in Vienna. The Reichert-Verlag is the publishing house of the scientific editions.


Deutsche Inschriften Online (DIO)

The project "Deutsche Inschriften Online" (engl.: German Inscriptions Online) was planned and implemented as an interacademic venture by the Academies of Sciences in Mainz and Göttingen. The projects ambition was to digitalize the volumes DI 66/45/56/58/61 and make them available online. The realisation is based on a database who was developed by the Inscription-offices in Greifswald and Mainz. The venture has an innovative character and is seeing itself as a broadening of the project "Inschriften Mittelrhein-Hunsrück (IMH)" (engl.: Inscriptions of the Middlerhine-Hunsrück) that was worked out in 2008 cooperating with the "Institut für Geschichtliche Landeskunde an der Universität Mainz" (engl.: Institute for Regional History located at the University of Mainz). The project digitalized the volume "Die Inschriften des Rhein-Hunsrück Kreises I (DI 60)" (engl.: The Inscriptions of the Rhine-Hunsrück District) edited by epigraphist Eberhard J. Nikitsch. In the meantime the website of the IMH-Project has merged into the DIO-Web portal. In the long run digitalization and making available online of further volumes is scheduled. Also a translation of the DIO-Website into the English language is projected.

Besides the digitalized scientific volumes DIO features an elaborated search interface, news concerning epigraphy and series of articles like "Epigraphischer Tipp" (engl.: Epigraphical Hint) and "Inschrift im Fokus" (engl.: Focused on Inscription) as well as a glossary and a list of topical weblinks. Additionally the site presents a wide array of photographies and pictures of inscriptions or things alike and by this means tries to interlink different potentials of information brokerage.

Today twelve volumes including more than 4170 items and more than 4000 illustrations and photographs can be retrieved by the user.[1] Currently online available are the volumes DI-19 Göttingen (City), DI-28 Hameln, DI-36 Hannover, DI-42 Einbeck, DI-45 Goslar, DI-56 Braunschweig, DI-58 Hildesheim, DI-60 Rhein-Hunsrück-Kreis I, DI-61 Helmstedt, DI-66 Göttingen (District), DI-46 Minden, The Inscriptions of the City of Mainz. First Part: The Inscriptions of the Cathedral and the Museum of Cathedral and Diocese ranging from 800 to 1350.

See also


  1. ^ Schrade, Epigraphik im digitalen Umfeld, Paragraph 2.


  • Schrade, Torsten: Epigraphik im digitalen Umfeld (=Epigraphy in the Digital Field). (URN: urn:nbn:de:0289-2011051816). In: Skriptum 1 (2011), Nr. 1. ISSN 2192-4457. (Article available under Creative Commons-Licence; the article overviews genesis and development of DIO in German)

External links

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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