
Scientific classification
Kingdom: Bacteria
Phylum: Proteobacteria
Class: Gamma Proteobacteria
Order: Enterobacteriales
Family: Enterobacteriaceae
Genus: Dickeyea

Dickeya zeae

Dickeya dadantii

Dickeyea is a genus of Enterobacteria. It is the result of reclassification of 75 Pectobacterium chrysanthemi strains and Brenneria paradisiaca CFBP 4178 into a new genus named after the American phytopathologist Robert S. Dickey. [1] Several species in this genus, such as Dickeyea dadantii, are known phytopathogens. [2] [3]


  1. ^ Samson, R; Legendre, JB, Christen, R, Fischer-Le Saux, M, Achouak, W, Gardan, L (2005 Jul). "Transfer of Pectobacterium chrysanthemi (Burkholder et al. 1953) Brenner et al. 1973 and Brenneria paradisiaca to the genus Dickeya gen. nov. as Dickeya chrysanthemi comb. nov. and Dickeya paradisiaca comb. nov. and delineation of four novel species, Dickeya dadantii sp. nov., Dickeya dianthicola sp. nov., Dickeya dieffenbachiae sp. nov. and Dickeya zeae sp. nov.". International journal of systematic and evolutionary microbiology 55 (Pt 4): 1415–27. PMID 16014461. 
  2. ^ Yamazaki, A; Li, J, Hutchins, WC, Wang, L, Ma, J, Ibekwe, AM, Yang, CH (2011 Jan). "Commensal effect of pectate lyases secreted from Dickeya dadantii on proliferation of Escherichia coli O157:H7 EDL933 on lettuce leaves.". Applied and environmental microbiology 77 (1): 156–62. PMID 21075884. 
  3. ^ Glasner, JD; Yang, CH, Reverchon, S, Hugouvieux-Cotte-Pattat, N, Condemine, G, Bohin, JP, Van Gijsegem, F, Yang, S, Franza, T, Expert, D, Plunkett G, 3rd, San Francisco, MJ, Charkowski, AO, Py, B, Bell, K, Rauscher, L, Rodriguez-Palenzuela, P, Toussaint, A, Holeva, MC, He, SY, Douet, V, Boccara, M, Blanco, C, Toth, I, Anderson, BD, Biehl, BS, Mau, B, Flynn, SM, Barras, F, Lindeberg, M, Birch, PR, Tsuyumu, S, Shi, X, Hibbing, M, Yap, MN, Carpentier, M, Dassa, E, Umehara, M, Kim, JF, Rusch, M, Soni, P, Mayhew, GF, Fouts, DE, Gill, SR, Blattner, FR, Keen, NT, Perna, NT (2011 Apr). "Genome sequence of the plant-pathogenic bacterium Dickeya dadantii 3937.". Journal of bacteriology 193 (8): 2076–7. PMID 21217001.