
Dichato Bay
Dichato Flag
Dichato in 2006

Dichato is a town along the coast of Chile, part of the municipality of Tomé in the northest part of Greater Concepción. At the 2002 census it had 3,057 residents. The town was severely damaged in the 2010 Chile earthquake.



27 February 2010 earthquake

After the 8.8 magnitude quake and tsunami, roughly 50 people are missing, and 90% of the town was destroyed.[1]

Approximately one hour after the earthquake, teenagers lounging on the beach observed the sea roll out of the horseshoe shaped bay, and immediately ran through town to warn of an impending tsunami. This moved most of the town's population out of harm's way.[2] Many people who had evacuated for the tsunami, returned after the fifth wave, believing it was over, and were killed by the sixth wave.[3]

The tsunami was some 10m high. Vacation cottages were lifted off their pilings by the tsunami and smashed. Fishing boats were washed hundreds of metres inland.[4] The tsunami at Dichato consisted of 7 waves, the sixth being the largest and most damaging.[3]

By early afternoon of the 28th, Chilean government helicopters had started delivering relief supplies.[4]


This article incorporates information from the equivalent article on the Spanish Wikipedia.


  1. ^ Press TV, "Rescue efforts continue in Chile", FTP/HGL, 3 March 2010 (accessed 3 March 2010)
  2. ^ Associated Press, "Teens helped warn of wave", 2 March 2010 (accessed 3 March 2010)
  3. ^ a b Toronto Star, "Chile town devastated by seven waves", Oakland Ross, 7 March 2010 (accessed 7 March 2010)
  4. ^ a b Washington Post, "Chile's coastal towns face double whammy of damage from earthquake and seaquake", Juan Ferero, 3 March 2010 (accessed 3 March 2010)

See also

Coordinates: 36°33′S 72°56′W / 36.55°S 72.933°W / -36.55; -72.933

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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