- Abraham Cohen Labatt
Abraham Cohen Labatt (1802,
Charleston, South Carolina -August 16 ,1899 ,Galveston, Texas ) was a prominent pioneer ofReform Judaism in theUnited States in the 19th century, founding several early congregations. ASephardic Jew , he was one of the organizers of the Reform congregation in Charleston in 1825. A few years later he moved toCharlotte, North Carolina . In 1831 he moved toNew Orleans , where he engaged inmercantile pursuits and was one of the founders of the firstJewish congregations inLouisiana . He visitedVelasco, Texas in that year and again in 1837 assupercargo of thesteamship "Columbia", the firstmerchantman to trade between the U.S., via Charleston,Texas , andMexico . Labatt went toCalifornia in a merchant capacity following thegold rush of 1849, and was one of the founders of theSan Francisco synagogue Shearith Israel , laying its foundation-stone in 1856. He would also serve as president ofCongregation Emanuel . In 1849 he obtained adispensation for theDavid Crockett masonic lodge , the first regularly instituted lodge in the state ofCalifornia . He served also as analderman of San Francisco. Labatt married Caroline Hyams (born 1821) and had sixteen children with her. In the 1860s, they moved toLouisiana , followed byWaco, Texas in 1869, finally settling in Galveston in 1878, where he joined theJewish Texan Congregation B'nai Israel . He would remain in Galveston for the rest of his life.ee also
History of the Jews in Galveston, Texas References
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