Abraham Cohen

Abraham Cohen

Abraham Cohen may refer to:

* Abraham Cohen Labatt, pioneer of Reform Judaism
* Abraham Cohen Pimentel, Orthodox rabbi
* Abraham Cohen de Herrera, religious philosopher and cabalist
* Abraham Cohen (editor), rabbinical editor of the Soncino Books of the Bible

ee also

*Abraham Cohn (Medal of Honor)

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  • Abraham Cohen Labatt — (1802, Charleston, South Carolina August 16, 1899, Galveston, Texas) was a prominent pioneer of Reform Judaism in the United States in the 19th century, founding several early congregations. A Sephardic Jew, he was one of the organizers of the… …   Wikipedia

  • Abraham Cohen de Herrera — ( he. רבי אברהם כהן בן דוד דה הירירה) also known as Alonso Nunez de Herrera or Abaham Irira (c. 1570 ndash; c. 1635) was a religious philosopher and cabbalist. He is supposed by the historian Heinrich Graetz to have been born in 1570. He is… …   Wikipedia

  • Abraham Cohen Pimentel — (died March 21, 1697) was an rabbi of Amsterdam. He was a student of Saul Levi Morteira, and he also served as hakham of the synagogue in Hamburg[1] and was initially a signator to a letter of approbation for Sabbatai Zevi.[2] He was the author… …   Wikipedia

  • Abraham Cohen Herrera — Abraham Cohen (de) Herrera, auch Abraham Irira, christlicher Taufname Alonso Nunez de Herrera, ( * um 1570; † 1635 oder 1639 in Amsterdam) war ein Religionsphilosoph und Kabbalist. Der Geburtsort von Herrera ist nicht bekannt. Nach einigen… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Philipp Abraham Cohen — (* 25. März 1790 in Hannover; † 28. März 1856 in Frankfurt am Main) war ein jüdischer Unternehmer. Sein Vater, der Königliche Kammeragent Abraham Herz Cohen (1746–1825; ∞ Amalia Gans aus Celle[1]) und sein Onkel Leffmann Herz Cohen (1751 1813[2]) …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • COHEN, MORRIS — (1911– ), U.S. metallurgist. Born in Chelsea, Mass., Cohen received his doctorate from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in 1936. He then joined the staff at MIT as an assistant professor, becoming an associate professor in 1941. He… …   Encyclopedia of Judaism

  • Cohen — ist ein jüdischer Familienname. Der Familienname hat die höchste Verbreitung vergleichbar mit Müller und Schmidt in der deutschsprachigen Welt oder mit Smith in der englischsprachigen Welt. Herkunft und Bedeutung Cohen ist der biblische Name von… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Cohen-Blind — Ferdinand Cohen Blind Ferdinand Cohen Blind (* 25. März 1844 in Mannheim; † 8. Mai 1866 in Berlin) verübte 1866 ein Attentat auf Otto von Bismarck. Inhaltsverzeichnis …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Cohen (surname) — Contents 1 People 1.1 Scientists 1.2 Educators 1.3 Writers …   Wikipedia

  • COHEN, DAVID — (1883–1967), Dutch historian and prominent Jewish and Zionist leader. Cohen, who was born at Deventer, east Holland, was professor of ancient history at the universities of Leiden and Amsterdam from 1924 to 1953 (except for the years of Nazi… …   Encyclopedia of Judaism

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