Deutsche Extrakt Kaffee

Deutsche Extrakt Kaffee
Deutsche Extrakt Kaffee GmbH
Type German limited liability company
Industry Food industry
Founded 1956
Headquarters Hamburg, Germany
Key people Holger Bebensee, Sven Dahler, Bernd Steeger
Products instant coffee, instant coffee beverages and surrogates (coffee substitutes)
Employees 360
Website [1]

Deutsche Extrakt Kaffee (DEK) is a German manufacturer and distributor of instant coffee, instant coffee beverages and surrogates (coffee substitutes) based in Hamburg. DEK is an owner-managed SME. The company focuses on the production and distribution of private label brands. In this sector, DEK is the market leader both in Germany and in Europe. Deutsche Extrakt Kaffee, which is part of the Cafea Group, predominantly markets products that have been manufactured in its own factories. Its products are sold in approx. 70 different countries.


Establishment and history

In 1955, the coffee roasters and importers Max Hertz, Walter Jacobs, Eduard Schopf and Bernhard Rothfos (*1898 in St. Magnus, †1998 in Hamburg) got together to plan the conversion of their own factories in order to facilitate the joint operation of the complex and expensive coffee extraction process (alongside Nestlé and Maxwell). That is how Deutsche Extrakt Kaffee began. In 1956, Jan Beernd Rothfos took over the management of the company and in 1981 founded Kord with the aim of coordinating the European operations, among them DEK. Since 2007, the Kord Group has been trading under the name of Cafea Group.

Factory of Deutsche Extrakt Kaffee GmbH in Hamburg/Germany

Group structure

The Cafea Group has factories all over Europe, which manufacture instant coffee, instant coffee beverages, instant hot chocolate drinks and surrogates (coffee substitutes). Further production sites are located in Berlin, Rathenow and Kappeln (Germany), Liège (Belgium), Krakow (Poland), Moscow (Russia), Dunstable (UK) and Rubio (Venezuela).


The company's range of products consists of different types of instant coffee manufactured using various production methods (spray drying, agglomerated, freeze-dried, decaffeinated), instant coffee beverages such as cappuccino, white coffee and iced coffee as well as coffee substitutes, e.g. different types of grain coffees. In addition, DEK has an extensive brand portfolio, which it makes available to prospective customers.

External links

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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