- Dense submodule
In abstract algebra, specifically in module theory, a dense submodule of a module is a refinement of the notion of an essential submodule. If N is a dense submodule of M, it may also be said it may alternatively be said that "N ⊆ M is a rational extension". Dense submodules are connected with rings of quotients in noncommutative ring theory. Most of the results appearing here were first established in (Johnson 1951), (Utumi 1956) and (Findlay & Lambek 1958).
It should be noticed that this terminology is different from the notion of a dense subset in general topology. No topology is needed to define a dense submodule, and a dense submodule may or may not be topologically dense in a module with topology.
This article modifies exposition appearing in (Storrer 1972) and (Lam 1999, p. 272). Let R be a ring, and M be a right R module with submodule N. For an element y of M, define
Note that the expression y−1 is only formal and that y is not necessarily invertible, but it helps to suggest that y⋅(y−1N) ⊆ N. The set y −1N is always a right ideal of R.
A submodule N of M is said to be a dense submodule if for all x and y in M with x ≠ 0, there exists an r in R such that xr ≠ {0} and yr is in N. In other words, using the introduced notation, the set
In this case, the relationship is denoted by
Another equivalent definition is homological in nature: N is dense in M if and only if
where E(M) is the injective hull of M.
- It can be shown that N is an essential submodule of M if and only if for all y ≠ 0 in M, the set y⋅(y −1N) ≠ {0}. Clearly then, every dense submodule is an essential submodule.
- If M is a nonsingular module, then N is dense in M if and only if it is essential in M.
- A ring is a right nonsingular ring if and only if its essential right ideals are all dense right ideals.
- If N and N' are dense submodules of M, then so is N ∩ N' .
- If N is dense and N ⊆ K ⊆ M, then K is also dense.
- If B is a dense right ideal in R, then so is y−1B for any y in R.
- If x is a non-zerodivisor in the center of R, then xR is a dense right ideal of R.
- If I is a two-sided ideal of R, I is dense as a right ideal if and only if the left annihilator of I is zero, that is,
. In particular in commutative rings, the dense ideals are precisely the ideals which are faithful modules.
Rational hull of a module
Every right R module M has a maximal essential extension E(M) which is its injective hull. The analogous construction using a maximal dense extension results in the rational hull Ẽ(M) which is a submodule of E(M). When a module has no proper rational extension, so that Ẽ(M) = M, the module is said to be rationally complete. If R is right nonsingular, then of course Ẽ(M) = E(M).
The rational hull is readily identified within the injective hull. Let S=EndR(E(M)) be the endomorphism ring of the injective hull. Then an element x of the injective hull is in the rational hull if and only if x is sent to zero by all maps in S which are zero on M. In symbols,
In general, there may be maps in S which are zero on M and yet are nonzero for some x not in M, and such an x would not be in the rational hull.
Maximal right ring of quotients
Main article: Maximal ring of quotientsThe maximal right ring of quotients can be described in two ways in connection with dense right ideals of R.
- In one method, Ẽ(R) is shown to be module isomorphic to a certain endomorphism ring, and the ring structure is taken across this isomorphism to imbue Ẽ(R) with a ring structure, that of the maximal right ring of quotients. (Lam 1999, p. 366)
- In a second method, the maximal right ring of quotients is identified with a set of equivalence classes of homomorphisms from dense right ideals of R into R. The equivalence relation says that two functions are equivalent if they agree on a dense right ideal of R. (Lam 1999, p. 370)
- Findlay, G. D.; Lambek, J. (1958), "A generalized ring of quotients. I, II", Canad. Math. Bull. 1: 77–85, 155–167, ISSN 0008-439, MR(20 #888) 0094370 (20 #888)
- Johnson, R. E. (1951), "The extended centralizer of a ring over a module", Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 2: 891–895, ISSN 0002-9939, MR(13,618c) 0045695 (13,618c)
- Lam, Tsit-Yuen (1999), Lectures on modules and rings, Graduate Texts in Mathematics No. 189, Berlin, New York: Springer-Verlag, ISBN 978-0-387-98428-5, MR1653294
- Storrer, Hans H. (1972), "On Goldman's primary decomposition", Lecutres on rings and modules (Tulane Univ. Ring and Operator Theory) (Berlin: Springer) I: 617–661. Lecture Notes in Math., Vol. 246, MR(50 #13164) 0360717 (50 #13164)
- Utumi, Yuzo (1956), "On quotient rings", Osaka Math. J. 8: 1–18, MR(18,7c) 0078966 (18,7c)
Categories:- Abstract algebra
- Module theory
- Ring theory
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