Denis Vairasse

Denis Vairasse

Denis Vairasse d' Allais was a French writer born around 1630 and died in 1672.[1]

Photograph of the work

He is especially known for his Utopian novel, History of Sevarambes.



Vairasse was born in a Protestant lower middle class family in France, and belonged to the royal troops. He made studies of right, which led it to the doctorate (about 1660).


History of Sevarambes

first page of History of Sevarambes (after the introduction), in the edition of 1734 published by the editor Henry Desbordes in Amsterdam

(Full Title: The history of the Sevarites or Sevarambi, a nation inhabiting part of the third continent commonly called Terræ australes incognitæ with an account of their admirable government, religion, customs, and language / written by one Captain Siden, a worthy person, who, together with many others, was cast upon those coasts, and lived many years in that country.)

"People which live part of the unintermitting third, commonly called the southern land, containing a relation of the Government, manners, religion & language of this nation, unknown factor until now at the people of Europe" , on the assumption of the existence of Southern lands nondiscovered in Indian Ocean in the south-east of Cape of Good Hope.

The conflicts between Protestants and catholics forced Vairasse into exile in England where he wrote his major work Histoire of Séverambes , an Utopian novel set in Australia. A travel story akin to Thomas Moore's Utopia and Johnathon Swift's Gulliver's Travels. Authors such as Bayle, Rousseau, Kant and Cabet read it and were probably inspired by some of it[2] and the book was directed referenced by Montesquieu in chapter VI of his book "Spirit of Laws".

One of the originalities of this book, presented to the manner of the works of geography or anthropology, is the integration in the novel construction of a direct criticism of the revealed and imposed religions, and in particular of the Catholicism, as practised by the Christians in the 17th century.

Initially published in 1675 in London and in English, then in French in two parts (1677–1679). The first being, according to the author, a kind of Historical newspaper. Several print editions were later published including one ( New edition, corrected & increased by the editor Henry Desbordes in Amsterdam in 1734.

The book was an international success, translated into several languages, "originally in English, then in a French version that spurred German, Dutch, and Italian translations (Atkinson 1920).".[3] The first French translation was in 1682 (before another version in 1702), Dutch in 1683, German in 1689 (and again in 1714), and Italian in 1728.

It was recently republished in French (based on a 1787 French edition) in a contemporary form, orthography and typography, and without the cuts made in the back issue.

See also

See also

  • History of Sevarambes

External links


  1. ^ Yale University library online
  2. ^ Thousand years of happiness , Paris: Beech, 1995 (p. 301)
  3. ^ Anthropoloy and the savage slot:The Poetics and Politics of Otherness by Michel-Rolph Trouillot:

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