
Origin Auckland, New Zealand
Genres Rock
Alternative rock
Progressive rock
Years active 2005present
Labels EMI
Mathew Bosher
Antoinette Lee
Tory "Jester" Staples
Past members
Daniel Bosher

Decortica is a New Zealand alternative rock band from Auckland. Formed in 2005, the group consists of Mathew Bosher (lead vocals and guitar), Antoinette Lee (bass), and Tory 'Jester' Staples (drums).


Band history

A New Aesthetic: 2008

The debut album was recorded in Raglan, New Zealand with producer David Holmes. The band converted a beach house into a live-in studio for two weeks. The location has since been used by other New Zealand musicians including Shapeshifter and Battle Circus.

The singlesPeace May Come”, “Macchina”, and "Featherlight" received airplay across Kiwi FM and bNet radio stations RDU, Radio One and Radio Control in New Zealand. The videos for these tracks were also rotated on C4 and Juice TV. “Macchinawas included in the top 10 music videos of the James Coleman Collection[1] of 130 New Zealand music videos, while "Featherlight" received a nomination for a Handle the Jandal award.[2] The album received a 4 out of 5 star rating in Groove Guide magazine[3] and was described in a review by NZ Musician Magazine asvery contemporary, almost futuristic rock".[4]

Love Hotel: 2009-present

Decorticas second album was released online in August 2010 independently using the freemium model.[5] A concept album, the album narrative is set in a Japanese love hotel. The music featured more progressive rock qualities than previous material.[6] The album received positive reviews including a 5/5 rating from The NewReview.[7] In 2011, the band signed to EMI Music New Zealand; an official release including physical format is being planned.[8]


Studio albums

  • A New Aesthetic
  • "Love Hotel"


  • Peace May Come
  • Macchina
  • Featherlight"
  • "Monster in a Pretty Dress"

External links


  1. ^ James Coleman (June 2009-08-08). "Music VideosThe James Coleman Collection". NZ On Screen. Retrieved 2009-08-07. 
  2. ^ "Fifteen finalists named for Handle the Jandal 2009". Retrieved 2009-12-08. 
  3. ^ Nicky Jenkins (December 2008). “DecorticaA New Aestheticreview.” Groove Guide, Issue 249, 1016 December 2008)
  4. ^ Ania Glowacz (December 2008), “DecorticaA New Aestheticreview.” NZ Musician Magazine, Dec/Jan 2009, Vol. 14, No. 7.
  5. ^ "'Love Hotel' Available for Free Download". Retrieved 2010-08-31. 
  6. ^ "Exclusive Interview: Mathew BosherDecortica". Retrieved 2011-03-09. 
  7. ^ "DecorticaLove Hotel". Retrieved 2011-03-09. 
  8. ^ "Love Hotel by Decortica". Retrieved 2011-08-17. 

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