de Wit

de Wit

de Wit is a surname of Dutch origin. People with the name include:

  • Bernard de Wit (contemporary), Dutch theoretical physicist
  • Frederik de Wit, three members of a 17th-century family of family Dutch engravers, cartographers, and publishers
  • Hendrik de Wit (1909–1999), Dutch botanist
  • Jacob de Wit (1695–1754), Dutch painter
  • Jan de Wit (born 1945), Dutch lawyer and politician
  • Maarten de Wit (1883–1955), Dutch Olympic sailor
  • Michaël Dudok de Wit (born 1953), Dutch animator, film director, and illustrator
  • Pierre de Wit (born 1987), German professional football player
  • Rob de Wit (born 1963), Dutch professional football player
  • Robert de Wit (born 1962), Dutch Olympic decathlete
  • Willie de Wit (born 1961), Canadian lawyer, and Olympic and professional boxer
  • Yannick de Wit (born 1986), Dutch professional football player

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  • Wit — Wit, n. [AS. witt, wit; akin to OFries. wit, G. witz, OHG. wizz[=i], Icel. vit, Dan. vid, Sw. vett. [root]133. See {Wit}, v.] [1913 Webster] 1. Mind; intellect; understanding; sense. [1913 Webster] Who knew the wit of the Lord? or who was his… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Wit — is a form of intellectual humour. A wit (person) is someone skilled in making witty remarks. Forms of wit include: the quip and the repartee. Forms of wit As in the wit of Parker s set, the Algonquin Round Table, witty remarks may be… …   Wikipedia

  • wit — [wıt] n ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ 1¦(amusing)¦ 2¦(amusing person)¦ 3 wits 4 frighten/scare/terrify somebody out of their wits 5 gather/collect/recover etc your wits 6 pit your wits against somebody 7 be at your wits end 8 have the wit to do something 9 not be… …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • wit — n 1 intelligence, brain, *mind, intellect, soul, psyche Analogous words: *reason, understanding, intuition: comprehension, apprehension (see under APPREHEND): sagaciousness or sagacity, perspicaciousness or perspicacity (see corresponding… …   New Dictionary of Synonyms

  • wit — [ wıt ] noun * 1. ) singular or uncount the ability to use words in a clever way to make people laugh: He is a man of great wit, sensitivity, and passion. a dry/biting/acerbic/caustic wit (=the tendency to say clever and slightly cruel things):… …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • Wit at Several Weapons — is a seventeenth century comedy of problematic date and authorship. Authorship and DateIn its own century, the play appeared in print only in the two Beaumont and Fletcher folios of 1647 and 1679; yet modern scholarship has determined that the… …   Wikipedia

  • WIT (littérature) — WIT, littérature Les théoriciens de l’humour ne pardonneront jamais au wit sa brillance froide, son air noble et insolent, sa façon de chatouiller l’esprit en mettant hors de combat les émotions. Toutefois, le sourire léger qui accompagne la… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • WIT — steht für: Wit, ein Fluss in Bulgarien Wit ist der Name folgender Personen: Antoni Wit (* 1944), polnischer Dirigent Piet de Wit (Radsportler) (* 1946), niederländischer Radrennfahrer Piet de Wit (Unternehmer) (1869–1947), niederländischer… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • wit — wit1 [wit] n. [ME < OE, akin to Ger witz: for IE base see WISE1] 1. Obs. the mind 2. [pl.] a) powers of thinking and reasoning; intellectual and perceptive powers b) mental faculties with respect to their state of balance, esp. in their normal …   English World dictionary

  • WIT Dschordschia Tbilissi — WIT Georgia Tiflis Voller Name WIT Georgia Tiflis Gegründet 1968 Stadion Armazi Stadion, Tiflis …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • WIT Georgia Tbilissi — WIT Georgia Tiflis Voller Name WIT Georgia Tiflis Gegründet 1968 Stadion Armazi Stadion, Tiflis …   Deutsch Wikipedia

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