De Borchgrave d'Altena

De Borchgrave d'Altena
Seal of a member of the Borchgrave family

De Borchgrave d'Altena is the name of a noble family from 's-Hertogenbosch and the County of Flanders.[1]


According to family tradition, the ancestors of this house were Viscounts of Castle Altena. This fact is not certain, however it is worth noting that the family already claimed in the Middle Ages the coats of arms of the noble family of Altena (two averted salmons). The first Borchgraves acted as servants of the city of Den Bosch. After the Reformation, the family moved to the Southern Netherlands.

In 1816 the family de Borchgrave d'Altena was admitted in the nobility of the Kingdom of the Netherlands with the title of count. [2] The Dutch branch is extinct, the Walloon branch is still very abundantly represented.

Famous offspring

  • Jean Guillaume Michel Pascal de Borchgrave d'Altena (1749-1818), Member of Parliament.
  • Guillaume Georges François de Borchgrave d'Altena (1774-1845), Member of Parliament.
  • Jacques de Borchgrave (es) (1902-1936), Belgian Ambassador to Spain assassinated during the Spanish Civil War
  • Arnaud de Borchgrave (1926), Belgian-American journalist.
  • Joseph de Borchgrave d'Altena, auteur.
  • Émile de Borchgrave, Belgian baron and historian
  • Isabelle de Borchgrave, Belgian artist
  • Rodolphe De Borchgrave, Belgian writer and businessman


  1. ^ Charles Emmanuel Joseph Poplimon, La Belgique héraldique, Tome II, Bruxelles, 1864.
  2. ^ Hoge Raad van Adel (nl),

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