Daylight saving time in North America

Daylight saving time in North America

North America generally follows the same procedure, with each time zone switching at 02:00 LST (local standard time) to 03:00 LDT (local daylight time) on the second Sunday in March, and back from 02:00 LDT to 01:00 LST on the first Sunday in November since 2007. In most of Mexico however, daylight savings time ends on the last Sunday of October. Previously, daylight saving time was four to five weeks shorter (see below).

The Canadian province of Newfoundland and Labrador is an exception in that the time changes take place at 00:01 local standard time and 00:01 local daylight time respectively.[1] Also, in 1988, they experimented with double daylight saving time, when the clocks went ahead by two hours, instead of the usual one hour.[2]


  1. ^ Newfoundland and Labrador Amendment to the Standard Time Act, passed November 20, 2006
  2. ^ Prereau, David (2006). Seize the Daylight: The Curious and Contentious Story of Daylight Saving Time. Thunder's Mouth Press. ISBN 1-56-025796-2. 

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