- STS-120
Infobox Space mission
mission_name = STS-120
insignia = Sts-120-patch.svg
shuttle = Discovery
crew_members = 7
crew_photo = STS-120 crew.jpg
crew_caption = (left to right) Parazynski, Wheelock, Wilson, Zamka, Melroy, Tani and Nespoli
launch_pad = LC-39A
launch = nowrap|October 23 ,2007
nowrap |11:38:19 a.m. EDT
(15:38:19 UTC)
landing = nowrap|November 7 ,2007
nowrap |1:01:18 p.m. EST
(18:01:18 UTC)
duration = 15 days, 2 hours, 24 minutes.
altitude = 122nautical mile s
(226 km)
inclination = 51.6 degrees
orbits = 238
distance = 6,250,000mile s (10,050,000 km)Cite web|url=http://www.nasa.gov/mission_pages/shuttle/shuttlemissions/sts120/news/STS-120-32.html|title=STS-120 Status Report #32 - Final|accessdate=2008-08-03|publisher=NASA|year=2007|author=NASA]
previous =STS-118
next =STS-122 STS-120 was a space shuttle mission to the
International Space Station (ISS), that launched onOctober 23 ,2007 from theKennedy Space Center ,Florida .Cite web|url=http://www.nasa.gov/mission_pages/shuttle/shuttlemissions/sts120/index.html|title=STS-120|accessyear=2007|accessmonthday=October 10|publisher=National Aeronautics and Space Administration|year=2007|author=NASA ] The mission is also referred to as ISS-10A by the ISS program. STS-120 delivered the "Harmony" module and reconfigured a portion of the station in preparation for future assembly missions.cite web | author=NASA|url = http://www.nasa.gov/pdf/192725main_STS-120_Shuttle_Press_Kit.pdf | title = STS-120 Press Kit | publisher = NASA |date=October, 2007|accessdate= 2008-08-03] STS-120 was flown by Space Shuttle "Discovery", and was the twenty-third space shuttle mission to the ISS. The completion of the mission left eleven flights remaining in theSpace Shuttle program until its end in 2010, excluding two as-yet-unconfirmed Contingency Logistic Flights.Cite web|url=http://www.nasa.gov/mission_pages/shuttle/shuttlemissions/iss_manifest.html|title=Consolidated Launch Manifest|accessyear=2007|accessmonthday=October 10|publisher=NASA|year=2007|author=NASA]Crew
Pamela Melroy (3) - Commander
*George D. Zamka (1) - Pilot
*Scott E. Parazynski (5) - Mission Specialist 1
*Stephanie Wilson (2) - Mission Specialist 2
*Douglas H. Wheelock (1) - Mission Specialist 3
*Paolo A. Nespoli (1) - Mission Specialist 4 - ITA ESALaunching ISS Expedition 16 Crew
Daniel M. Tani (2) - ISS Flight EngineerLanding ISS Expedition 16 Crew
Clayton Anderson (1) - ISS Flight Engineer* Number in parentheses indicates number of spaceflights by each individual prior to and including this mission.
Crew Notes
As commander of STS-120, Pamela Melroy became the second woman (after
Eileen Collins ) to command a space shuttle mission.cite web | author=Malik, Tariq| year=2006 | month =June 19 | title= NASA Names Second Female Shuttle Commander | format=HTML | publisher = Space.com | url=http://www.space.com/missionlaunches/060619_sts120_melroy.html | accessdate=2008-08-03] Additionally, theExpedition 16 crew that received STS-120 was commanded byPeggy Whitson , the first female ISS commander.Cite web|url=http://www.space.com/missionlaunches/070925_exp15_exp15_crewswap.html|title=Space Station Astronauts Prepare for Crew Swap |accessyear=2007|accessmonthday=October 9|publisher=Space.com|year=2007|author=Tariq Malik] Cite web|url=http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,299313,00.html|title=Astronauts Ponder State of Space Exploration|accessyear=2007|accessmonthday=October 9|publisher=Fox News|year=2007|author=Tariq Malik] The flight of STS-120 thus became the first time two female mission commanders were in space at the same time.Cite web|url=http://abcnews.go.com/Technology/story?id=3767772&page=1|title=Chicks Rule Space Tour 2007|accessyear=2007|accessmonthday=October 24|publisher=ABC News |year=2007|author=Gina Sunseri] Cite web|url=http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/20761344/|title=Female commanders set for landmark mission|accessyear=2007|accessmonthday=October 9|publisher=MSNBC|year=2007|author=Tariq Malik] Cite web|url=http://www.local6.com/news/14290968/detail.html?rss=orlpn&psp=news|title=History In Space: 2 Women Commanders|accessyear=2007|accessmonthday=October 9|publisher=Local6.com Internet Broadcasting Systems, Inc. |year=2007|author=Internet Broadcasting Systems, Inc.]
=Crew Prior to the Space Shuttle "Columbia" disaster=Prior to the Space Shuttle "Columbia" disaster, the original crew manifest for STS-120 was:
*James D. Halsell , Commander
*Alan G. Poindexter , Pilot
* Wendy Lawrence, Mission Specialist
* Stephanie Wilson, Mission Specialist
*Piers Sellers , Mission Specialist
*Michael Foreman , Mission SpecialistAlso, the STS-120 mission patch was designed by Michael Foreman before he was reassigned to
STS-123 .Mission parameters
Mass :
**"Orbiter liftoff:" 286,211 lbs (129,823 kg)
**"Orbiter landing:" 201,895 lbs (91,578 kg)
*Perigee : 340 km Cite web|url=http://nssdc.gsfc.nasa.gov/spacewarn/spx648.html|title=SPACEWARN Bulletin 648|accessyear=2008|accessmonthday=June 15|publisher=NASA |year=2007|author=NASA ]
*Apogee : 344 km
*Inclination : 51.6°Cite web|url=http://www.cbsnews.com/network/news/space/120/120quicklook1.html|title=CBS News Space STS-120 Quick Look Data|accessyear=2007|accessmonthday=October 10|publisher=CBS News |year=2007|author=William Harwood]
* Period: 91.6 minutesMission payloads
ESA "Esperia" mission
In addition to his participation in the ISS assembly mission during the STS-120 flight, Paolo Nespoli conducted science research as part of the
Esperia mission for ESA.Cite web|url=http://www.esa.int/SPECIALS/Esperia/SEM10VLPQ5F_0.html | title=About the Esperia Mission | accessyear=2007 | accessmonthday=October 23 | publisher=ESA | year=2007 | author=ESA] Cite web|url=http://www.esperia.marscenter.it/default.asp|title=Esperia Mission|accessyear=2007|accessmonthday=December 7|publisher=Agenzia Spaziale Italiana (ASI)|year=2007|author=ASI] According to the STS-120 press kit, Nespoli was to carry out a number of experiments on behalf of the European science community. Two of these experiments (Chromosome‐2 and Neocytolysis) were sponsored by ESA. The other three (HPA, FRTL‐5 and SPORE) were sponsored by theItalian Space Agency . Chromosome‐2, Neocytolysis and HPA were experiments in the field of human physiology. FRTL‐5 and SPORE were biology experiments.Wake-up calls
A tradition for NASA spaceflights since the days of Gemini, is that mission crews are played a special musical track at the start of each day in space. Each track is specially chosen, often by their family, and usually has a special meaning to an individual member of the crew, or is applicable to their daily activities. [cite news | first=Colin | last=Fries | coauthors= | title=Chronology of Wakeup Calls | date=2007-06-25 | publisher=NASA | url =http://history.nasa.gov/wakeup%20calls.pdf | work = | pages = | accessdate = 2008-08-03]
* Day 2: "Lord of the Dance," performed by
John Langstaff , played for Commander Pam Melroy. [http://spaceflight.nasa.gov/gallery/audio/shuttle/sts-120/wave/fd02.wav WAV] [http://spaceflight.nasa.gov/gallery/audio/shuttle/sts-120/mp3/fd02.mp3 MP3]
* Day 3: "Dancing in the Moonlight " performed byKing Harvest , played for Daniel Tani. [http://spaceflight.nasa.gov/gallery/audio/shuttle/sts-120/wave/fd03.wav WAV] [http://spaceflight.nasa.gov/gallery/audio/shuttle/sts-120/mp3/fd03.mp3 MP3]
* Day 4: "Rocket Man " performed byElton John , played for Doug Wheelock. [http://spaceflight.nasa.gov/gallery/audio/shuttle/sts-120/wave/fd04.wav WAV] [http://spaceflight.nasa.gov/gallery/audio/shuttle/sts-120/mp3/fd04.mp3 MP3]
* Day 5: "Bellissime Stelle" (Italian for "Beautiful Stars") performed byAndrea Bocelli , played for Paolo Nespoli. [http://spaceflight.nasa.gov/gallery/audio/shuttle/sts-120/wave/fd05.wav WAV] [http://spaceflight.nasa.gov/gallery/audio/shuttle/sts-120/mp3/fd05.mp3 MP3]
* Day 6: "What a Wonderful World " performed byLouis Armstrong , played for Scott Parazynski. [http://spaceflight.nasa.gov/gallery/audio/shuttle/sts-120/wave/fd06.wav WAV] [http://spaceflight.nasa.gov/gallery/audio/shuttle/sts-120/mp3/fd06.mp3 MP3]
* Day 7: "One By One" performed byWynton Marsalis , played for Stephanie Wilson. [http://spaceflight.nasa.gov/gallery/audio/shuttle/sts-120/wave/fd07.wav WAV] [http://spaceflight.nasa.gov/gallery/audio/shuttle/sts-120/mp3/fd07.mp3 MP3]
* Day 8: "Malagueña Salerosa " performed by Chingon, played for George Zamka. [http://spaceflight.nasa.gov/gallery/audio/shuttle/sts-120/wave/fd08.wav WAV] [http://spaceflight.nasa.gov/gallery/audio/shuttle/sts-120/mp3/fd08.mp3 MP3]
* Day 9: "Nel Blu Dipinto di Blu" (Volare) performed byDomenico Modugno , played for Nespoli. [http://spaceflight.nasa.gov/gallery/audio/shuttle/sts-120/wave/fd09.wav WAV] [http://spaceflight.nasa.gov/gallery/audio/shuttle/sts-120/mp3/fd09.mp3 MP3]
* Day 10: "The Lion Sleeps Tonight " performed byRobert John , played for the entire crew. [http://spaceflight.nasa.gov/gallery/audio/shuttle/sts-120/wave/fd10.wav WAV] [http://spaceflight.nasa.gov/gallery/audio/shuttle/sts-120/mp3/fd10.mp3 MP3]
* Day 11: "World" performed byFive for Fighting , played for Wheelock. [http://spaceflight.nasa.gov/gallery/audio/shuttle/sts-120/wave/fd11.wav WAV] [http://spaceflight.nasa.gov/gallery/audio/shuttle/sts-120/mp3/fd11.mp3 MP3]
* Day 12: "Star Wars Theme" byJohn Williams , played for Parazynski. [http://spaceflight.nasa.gov/gallery/audio/shuttle/sts-120/wave/fd12.wav WAV] [http://spaceflight.nasa.gov/gallery/audio/shuttle/sts-120/mp3/fd12.mp3 MP3]
* Day 13: "The Presence of the Lord" written byKurt Carr , performed byByron Cage , played for Wilson. [http://spaceflight.nasa.gov/gallery/audio/shuttle/sts-120/wave/fd13.wav WAV] [http://spaceflight.nasa.gov/gallery/audio/shuttle/sts-120/mp3/fd13.mp3 MP3]
* Day 14: "Roll Me Away " performed byBob Seger , played for Zamka. [http://spaceflight.nasa.gov/gallery/audio/shuttle/sts-120/wave/fd14.wav WAV] [http://spaceflight.nasa.gov/gallery/audio/shuttle/sts-120/mp3/fd14.mp3 MP3]
* Day 15: "Space Truckin' " performed byDeep Purple , played for Clayton Anderson. [http://spaceflight.nasa.gov/gallery/audio/shuttle/sts-120/wave/fd15.wav WAV] [http://spaceflight.nasa.gov/gallery/audio/shuttle/sts-120/mp3/fd15.mp3 MP3]
* Day 16: "Chitty Chitty Bang Bang" performed by theSherman Brothers , played for Commander Pam Melroy. [http://spaceflight.nasa.gov/gallery/audio/shuttle/sts-120/wave/fd16.wav WAV] [http://spaceflight.nasa.gov/gallery/audio/shuttle/sts-120/mp3/fd16.mp3 MP3]Contingency mission
STS-320 was the designation given to the
Contingency Shuttle Crew Support mission which would have been launched in the event Space Shuttle Discovery became disabled duringSTS-120 .Cite web|url=http://www.nasaspaceflight.com/content/?cid=5076|title=NASA sets new launch date targets through to STS-124|accessyear=2007|accessmonthday=August 28|publisher=NASASpaceflight.com|year=2007|author=Chris Bergin] It would have been a modified version of theSTS-122 mission, which would have involved the launch date being brought forward. If it had been needed, it would have been launched no later thanJanuary 5 ,2008 . The crew for this mission would have been a four-person subset of the full STS-122 crew.Media
Space Shuttle "Discovery" launches from launch pad 39A at
Kennedy Space Center as part of the STS-120 mission]ee also
Space Shuttles
*2007 in spaceflight
*List of ISS spacewalks
*List of space shuttle missions
*List of spacewalks and moonwalks
*List of human spaceflights chronologically References
External links
* [http://www.nasa.gov/mission_pages/shuttle/shuttlemissions/sts120/index.html Official STS-120 Mission Page]
* [http://www.nasa.gov/mission_pages/station/multimedia/ NASA's STS-120 multimedia page] and [http://www.nasa.gov/multimedia/nasatv/on_demand_video.html On Demand Video page]
* [http://www.nasa.gov/mission_pages/shuttle/shuttlemissions/sts120/mission_overview.html STS-120 Overview]
* [http://www.nasa.gov/pdf/192788main_STS120.Fact.Sheet.pdf STS-120 Fact Sheet - NASA]
* [http://www.nasa.gov/mission_pages/shuttle/news/120_milestones.html NASA STS-120 Launch countdown milestones and timeline]
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