Danger Point

Danger Point

Danger Point is a coastal feature and cliff face near Budleigh Salterton in the County Devon, on the south coast of England.



Danger Point is about 18 kilometres southeast of the city of Exeter and about seven kilometres east of Exmouth. Danger Point lies between the towns of Budleigh Salterton and Sidmouth.

Jurassic Coast

The Jurassic Coast stretches over a distance of 153 kilometres (95 mi), from Orcombe Point near Exmouth, in the west, to Old Harry Rocks on the Isle of Purbeck near Studland in the east [1].

The coastal cliffs exposure a continuous sequence of Triassic, Jurassic and Cretaceous rocks spanning about 185 million years. The rocks dip gently to the east so the oldest exposed rocks are found in the west, between Exmouth and Sidmouth, with progressively younger rocks forming the cliffs further east.

  • see also List of places on the Jurassic Coast


There are two rock sequences along the coast at Budleigh Salterton, these are the Pebble Beds and the "Otter Sandstone Formation". In the cliff face it is very apparent that both dip eastward. The "Budleigh Salterton Pebble Beds" are overlain by the sandstones that form the cliffs at Danger Point. Both sediments are markedly red, which indicates that they were formed in a desert in the hot dry climate of in the Triassic Period about 225 million years ago.

The coastal path, south of the village of Otterton on the peninsula of Otter Sandstone, has many viewpoints and headlands from which the cliffs can be seen. However there is no access to the seaward shore on any of the stretch between the southern tip near Danger Point to Ladram Bay in the north. The vertical cliffs are not interrupted (cut) by streams valleys, hence the lack of shore-access. To study the coast accurately a boat is required, however fossils from the Triassic period are extremely rare. Despite the fact that normally only fossil fragments are found, the sandstones at Danger Point have yielded excellent discoveries, such as the Beaked Lizard, known as Rhynchosaur.[2]


  1. ^ "Dorset and East Devon Coast". UNESCO World Heritage Centre. 2001. http://whc.unesco.org/pg.cfm?cid=31&id_site=1029. Retrieved 2010-11-16. 
  2. ^ "Quick facts about the Jurassic Coast". JurassicCoastline.com. http://www.jurassiccoastline.com/jurassic_Info1b.asp?ID=14. Retrieved 2011-11-18. 

Coordinates: 50°37′54″N 3°18′06″W / 50.63165°N 3.30153°W / 50.63165; -3.30153

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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