
DanTysk is located in North Sea
Location of DanTysk in the North Sea
Country Germany
Location North Sea
Coordinates 55°8′24″N 7°12′0″E / 55.14°N 7.2°E / 55.14; 7.2Coordinates: 55°8′24″N 7°12′0″E / 55.14°N 7.2°E / 55.14; 7.2
Status Proposed
Commission date 2013 (expected)
Owner(s) Vattenfall
Stadtwerke München
Turbine information
Turbines 80
Manufacturer(s) Siemens Wind Power
Model(s) SWT-3.6-120
Wind farm information
Type Offshore
Distance from shore 45 km (28 mi)
Power generation information
Maximum capacity 400 MW

DanTysk is a planned 400 megawatt (MW) offshore wind farm 45 kilometres (28 mi) north of Sylt, an island in the North Sea, on the border between Germany and Denmark. The project developer Vattenfall Windkraft, a subsidiary of Vattenfall, plans to erect 80 wind turbines with a capacity of 5 MW each by the end of 2012. The project's estimated cost is $900 million.[1] The windfarm is sited in water depths up to 30 metres (98 ft).[2]

Initially the project was developed by Geo Gesellschaft für Energie und Ökologie. The project was purchased by Vattenfall in 2007. In 2010, Vattenfall sold 49% stake in the project to Stadtwerke München.[3][2]

Siemens will deliver 80 wind turbines of the SWT-3.6-120 type.[4]

"According to the construction plan, the first turbines will be commissioned in 2013. DanTysk wind farm could deliver clean energy to a minimum of 500,000 households."[2]

See also


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