Dacia (Pârvan)

Dacia (Pârvan)
Dacia: An Outline of the Early Civilization of the Carpatho-Danubian Countries  
Author(s) Vasile Pârvan
Language English
Genre(s) History
Publisher The University Press
Publication date 1928

Dacia: An Outline of the Early Civilization of the Carpatho-Danubian Countries[1] is a history book by the Romanian historian and archaeologist Vasile Pârvan (1882 – 1927). The book, published post-mortem in 1928, resulted from a series of lectures that Pârvan gave at Cambridge University.[2] Similar, to his major work, Getica (1926), Dacia covers the ancient history of Carpatho-Danubian region. In both books, Pârvan presented Dacia as a great kingdom with a homogeneous ethnic base, an advanced civilization and a well-defined political and national identity.[2]

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