Cyril Parlichev

Cyril Parlichev
Cyril Parlichev
Born 1875
Ohrid, Ottoman Empire (today Republic of Macedonia)
Died February 9, 1944
Ohrid, Kingdom of Bulgaria (today Republic of Macedonia)

Cyril Parlichev (Bulgarian: Кирил Пърличев, Macedonian: Кирил Прличев) was a Bulgarian[1][2][3] revolutionary and public figure. He was a member of Internal Macedono-Adrianopolean Revolutionary Organization (IMARO) and a popular teacher, journalist, translator and writer.



Cyril Parlichev was born in Ohrid in 1875. His father was Grigor Parlichev - a popular local educator. On August 5, 1898 Metody Patchev murdered a local pro-Serbian activist - Dimitar Gardanov - with the help of Hristo Uzunov and Cyril Parlichev. Patchev was arrested together with his two conspirators.

Parlichev later taught in the Bulgarian Men's High School of Thessaloniki, where he was accepted in IMARO. During the Ilinden-Preobrazhenie Uprising he was a member of the Hristo Chernopeev's band. After the end of the unsuccessful uprising he started studying history in Sofia University. In the meantime he worked as a secretary of the IMARO committee in Sofia.

After the Young Turk Revolution, Cyril Parlichev participated in the inauguration of the Bulgarian Constitutional Clubs political party. He taught in Edessa, where he and Hristo Zaneshev contributed to the activity of Bulgarian Constitutional Clubs.

In 1918 Cyril Parlichev wrote his first work - The Serbian Regime and the Revolutionary Struggle in Macedonia (in Bulgarian: Сръбският режим и революционната борба в Македония). He was also one of the founders of the Macedonian Scientific Institute in 1923. Parlichev translated into Bulgarian works of Karl Marx, Voltaire and others. After the murder of Todor Alexandrov Parlichev was forced by Ivan Mihailov to stop his participation in the activities of IMRO. In the period 1941-1944, when the area was under Bulgarian control, he was director of the Historical museum in his native Ohrid. He died there on February 9, 1944. Cyril Parlichev is survived today by his grandson, Cyril, who has published his previously unknown works in Sofia.




  1. ^ 36 godini văv VMRO: spomeni na Kiril Părličev, by Kiril Pŭrlichev Published by VEDA-MZH, 1999, ISBN 954-8090-01-5.
  2. ^ Istoricheski pregled, Bŭlgarsko istorichesko druzhestvo, Institut za istoria (Bŭlgarska akademia na naukite) Published by Bŭlgarsko istorichesko druzhestvo, 2000 Item notes: v. 56, nos. 1-6
  3. ^ Makedonskoto osvoboditelno dvizhenie sled Pŭrvata svetovna voĭna, 1918-1924, Kostadin Paleshutski, Published by Izd-vo na Bŭlgarskata akademia na naukite, 1993, p. 209.

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