Alvis–Curtis duality

AlvisCurtis duality

In mathematics, AlvisCurtis duality is a duality operation on the characters of a reductive group over a finite field, introduced by Charles W. Curtis (1980) and studied by his student Dean Alvis (1979). Kawanaka (1981, 1982) introduced a similar duality operation for Lie algebras.

AlvisCurtis duality has order 2 and is an isometry on generalized characters.

Carter (1985, 8.2) discusses AlvisCurtis duality in detail.


The dual ζ* of a character ζ of a finite group G with a split BN-pair is defined to be

\zeta^*=\sum_{J\subseteq R}(-1)^J\zeta^G_{P_J}

Here the sum is over all subsets J of the set R of simple roots of the Coxeter system of G. The character ζG
is the truncation of ζ to the parabolic subgroup PJ of the subset J, given by restricting ζ to PJ and then taking the space of invariants of the unipotent radical of PJ. (The operation of truncation is the adjoint functor of parabolic induction.)


  • The dual of the trivial character 1 is the Steinberg character.
  • The dual of a DeligneLusztig character Rθ
    is εGεTRθ
  • The dual of a cuspidal character χ is (–1)|Δ|χ, where Δ is the set of simple roots.
  • The dual of the GelfandGraev character is the character taking value |ZF|ql on the regular unipotent elements and vanishing elsewhere.


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