
Logo cuentamontes.jpg

Cuentamontes is an international contest of Mountaineering literature and photography. It was born in Elda and Petrer, two towns in the heart of the Vinalopo Valley in Alicante, Spain. Every year a book with the ten finalist stories is published. The reader can find the winner works among those stories.There are two prizes: Absolute and local winner. The organization considers local writers those contestants born or living in either Elda or Petrer. The contest is realized in collaboration with Centro Excursionista de Petrer and Club Alpino Eldense , and it is sponsorized by the city council from both towns. The main topic of the contest is the mountain and, in order to participate, people must send short stories or tales about it.

The winner stories are selected by two different jurys. The first one, the selection jury, is composed by six members, and their task it to read all the contestant stories and choose ten out of them all. Those ten are the finalist stories and they are published in the book. This ten stories are read by the next jury, the calification jury, and they decide the absolute and local winners.

Every year, the contest pays tribute to a famous mountaineer. Besides the publication of the stories, the contest gives a trophy to award other aspects of the mountain art such as : poetry, photography, literature, painting, collecting, mountaneering activity...

This year, the organization has introduced a new modality in the contest, photography . With this, the organization pursues to find the best mountain photographers. The winner photograph will be the cover of the Cuentamontes book. Besides, the winner photographer will get some of their photograph work puiblished and a little biogpraphy .


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