Matabeleland mole-rat

Matabeleland mole-rat
Matabeleland mole-rat
Scientific classification
Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Chordata
Class: Mammalia
Order: Rodentia
Family: Bathyergidae
Genus: Cryptomys
Species: C. nimrodi
Binomial name
Cryptomys nimrodi

The Matabeleland mole-rat, Cryptomys nimrodi, is a species of mole rat found in Zimbabwe.[1]


  1. ^ Bennett, N. C.; Cotterill, F. P. D.; Spinks, A. C. (May 1996), "Thermoregulation in two population of the Matabeleland mole-rat (Cryptomys hottentotus nimrodi) and remarks on the general thermoregulatory trends within the genus Cryptomys (Rodentia: Bathyergidae)", Journal of Zoology 239 (1): 17–27, doi:10.1111/j.1469-7998.1996.tb05433.x 

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