Cristoforo Caresana

Cristoforo Caresana

Cristofaro or Cristoforo Caresana (ca. 1640-1709) was an Italian Baroque composer, organist and tenor. He was an early representative of the Neapolitan operatic school.

Born in Venice, his precise birthday is not known. After studying under Pietro Andrea Ziani (uncle of Marc'Antonio Ziani) in Venice, he moved to Naples late in his teens, where he joined the theatre company of Febi Armonici which produced early examples of melodrama. Later, in 1667, he became an organist and singer in the Chapel Royal and director of the Neapolitan Conservatorio di Sant'Onofrio a Porta Capuana, a type of orphanage-cum-music school, until 1690. In 1699 he succeeded Francesco Provenzale as Master of the Treasury of San Gennaro. He wrote music for a number of other Neapolitan institutions until his death in 1709. Amongst others, the Spanish guitarist and composer Gaspar Sanz studied music theory under his tutelage.

He is remembered for his cantatas, especially for the Nativity season as well as instrumental interludes sometimes featuring spatially separated ensembles. His music continues to be played and recorded to the present day and stands testament to the quality of this Neapolitan baroque composer.


  • Missa defunctorum for double choir.[1]

Selected Recordings

  • L’Adoratione de’ Maggi Christmas cantata for 6 voices (1676) with La Veglia Christmas cantata for 6 voices (1674), Demonio, Angelo e Tre Pastori cantata for 5 voices (1676), Partenope Leggiadra - secular cantata (1703). Cappella della Pietà de' Turchini dir. Florio, Glossa 2010.


  1. ^ Dinko Fabris Music in seventeenth-century Naples: Francesco Provenzale (1624-1704) 2007 p97 "Provenzale's colleague Cristoforo Caresana left at least one Missa defunctorum for double choir and instruments ... Auctore Christoforo Caresana 1667' (Di Giacomo 1918, 41). "
  • Grove’s Dictionary of Music and Musicians

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