
Studio album by Area
Released 1975
Recorded Fono-Roma-Milano Sound Recording
Genre Jazz fusion
Progressive rock
Length 37:50
Label Cramps Records
Producer Area
Area chronology
Caution Radiation Area
Professional ratings
Review scores
Source Rating
Allmusic 3/5 stars[1]

Crac! is the third album of the Jazz fusion band Area and was released in 1975. With this album, the band gained more popularity in Italy, thanks to songs like "L'elefante Bianco", "La Mela di Odessa (1920)" and "Gioia e Rivoluzione", which quickly became concert favourites. All songs were written by Tofani, Fariselli and Tavolazzi, except for "Area 5" which was wrtten by Juan Hidalgo and Walter Marchetti. When touring for this album the band even played in Paris and in Lisboa (as documented posthumously in the album "Parigi Lisbona" released in 1976, while a live album from their Italian tour was released later that year).


Track listing

All tracks by Patrizio Fariselli, Ares Tavolazzi & Paolo Tofani except were noted

Side one

  1. "L'elefante Bianco" – 4:33
  2. "La Mela di Odessa (1920)" – 6:27
  3. "Megalopoli" – 7:53

Side two

  1. "Nervi Scoperti" – 6:35
  2. "Gioia e Rivoluzione" – 4:40
  3. "Implosion" – 5:00
  4. "Area 5" (Juan Hidalgo, Walter Marchetti) – 2:09


  • Giulio Capiozzo - drums, percussion
  • Patrizio Fariselli - electric piano, piano, clarinet, synthesizer
  • Demetrio Stratos - vocals, organ, clavicembalo, steel drums, percussion
  • Ares Tavolazzi - acoustic bass, electric bass,trombone
  • Paolo Tofani - guitar, synthesizer, flute
  • Piero Bravin - engineering
  • Ambrogio Ferrario - engineering


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