Court of General Sessions
- Court of General Sessions
Courts of Quarter Sessions were the courts for the British North American colonies and existed until the creation of local court systems in Canada and the United States.
Categories: - Court systems
- United States law stubs
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court of general sessions — a local court with general jurisdiction, both civil and criminal. [1695 1705, Amer.] * * * … Universalium
Court of General Sessions — The name given in some states to a court of general original jurisdiction in criminal cases … Black's law dictionary
Court of General Sessions — The name given in some states to a court of general original jurisdiction in criminal cases … Black's law dictionary
court of general sessions — a local court with general jurisdiction, both civil and criminal. [1695 1705, Amer.] … Useful english dictionary
Court of General Sessions — A local court of the Borough of Manhattan in New York City having a general criminal jurisdiction … Ballentine's law dictionary
general sessions — See clerks of the general sessions of the peace; Court of General Sessions … Ballentine's law dictionary
General Sessions Court — General Ses·sions Court / se shənz / n: a court sitting in each county seat in Tennessee and having limited jurisdiction over civil matters and some minor criminal matters Merriam Webster’s Dictionary of Law. Merriam Webster. 1996 … Law dictionary
Court of General Quarter Sessions of the Peace — Formerly, a court of criminal jurisdiction in New Jersey. In English law, a court of criminal jurisdiction held in each county once in every quarter of a year, but in the county of Middlesex twice a month. When held at other times than quarterly … Black's law dictionary
Court of General Quarter Sessions of the Peace — Formerly, a court of criminal jurisdiction in New Jersey. In English law, a court of criminal jurisdiction held in each county once in every quarter of a year, but in the county of Middlesex twice a month. When held at other times than quarterly … Black's law dictionary
general sessions — noun plural : a court of criminal jurisdiction * * * a court of general jurisdiction in criminal cases in some U.S. states. [1685 95] * * * general sessions, U.S. a court of law having general jurisdiction in criminal cases … Useful english dictionary