Corrective maintenance

Corrective maintenance
Inflight maintenance checklist procedure before starting waste collection system repair onboard the Atlantis shuttle

Corrective maintenance can be defined as a maintenance task performed to identify, isolate, and rectify a fault so that the failed equipment, machine, or system can be restored to an operational condition within the tolerances or limits established for in-service operations. [1]

A French official norm defines "corrective maintenance" as maintenance which is carried out after failure detection and is aimed at restoring an asset to a condition in which it can perform its intended function (NF EN 13306 X 60-319 standard, June 2001).[2]

Corrective maintenance can be subdivided into "immediate corrective maintenance" (in which work starts immediately after a failure) and "deferred corrective maintenance" (in which work is delayed in conformance to a given set of maintenance rules).

See also


  1. ^ MIL-STD-3034 Reliability-centered maintenance (RCM) Process.
  2. ^ "Maintenance exécutée après détection d'une panne et destinée à remettre un bien dans un état dans lequel il peut accomplir une fonction requise."
  • L.C.Morow: Maintenance Engineering Hand Book, Mc Graw Hill, Now York 1952
  • S. Nakajima: Introduction to TPM, Productivity Press, Cambridge, Massachusetts, 1988.
  • Peter Willmott: Total production Maintenance the Western Way, Butterworth, Heinemann, First Published 1994, Oxford, London

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