Contemporary Sociology (journal)

Contemporary Sociology (journal)
Contemporary Sociology  
Contemporary Sociology cover.gif
Abbreviated title (ISO) Contemp. Sociol.
Discipline Sociology
Language English
Edited by Alan Sica
Publication details
Publisher SAGE Publications
Publication history 1972-present
Frequency Bimonthly
Impact factor
ISSN 0094-3061 (print)
1939-8638 (web)
LCCN 72621888
OCLC number 958948

Contemporary Sociology is a peer-reviewed academic journal of sociology published by SAGE Publications in association with the American Sociological Association. Each issue of the journal publishes a large number of both in-depth and brief reviews of recent publications in sociology and related disciplines, as well as a list of publications received that have not been reviewed. In 2010 the journal published just under 400 book reviews.[1] In addition, the journal also publishes a small number of review essays and discursive articles in each issue.

Abstracting and indexing

Contemporary Sociology is abstracted and indexed in Scopus and the Social Sciences Citation Index. According to the Journal Citation Reports, its 2010 impact factor is 0.294, ranking it 106th out of 129 journals in the "Sociology" category.[1]


  1. ^ a b "Web of Science". 2011. Retrieved 2011-07-21. 

External links

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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