Concours Mondial de Bruxelles

Concours Mondial de Bruxelles

Concours Mondial de Bruxelles created in 1994, labeled the “wine world-championship” with 6000 participating products from the four continents, these samples represent more than 500 million marketed bottles. The jury of the Concours Mondial de Bruxelles brings together international wine experts from 40 nationalities every year.[1]



Founder of “Revue Belge des vins” and former president of the International Federation of Wine Journalists and Writers Louis Havaux is the founder of The Concours Mondial[2][3] The Concours Mondial de Bruxelles was first held on April 1994 in Bruges.[4] Former president of the International Union of Oenologists and Committee of Denominazione di Origine of Italy, Ezio Rivella states: "I can affirm, without a doubt, that the Concours Mondial de Bruxelles has, since its first edition, become one of the foremost authorities among the best international competitions which can be counted on the fingers of one hand."[4][5] In 2010, the Concours Mondial will take place in Palermo (Sicilia).[4][6]


Category Name Participants Jury/Judges Award(s) Further Notes
Wine Concours Mondial de Bruxelles 6,000 wines from four continents[1] International wine experts and professional tasters like oenologists, sommeliers, journalists, wine writers and international buyers and traders: A total of 240 experts from 40 nations[7] Each wine gets a mark out of a hundred. A medal is given according to this scheme, depending on the mark, there are different award classes: 'Médaille d’Argent' (Silver Medal), 'Médaille d’Or' (Gold Medal), 'Grande Médaille d’Or' (Grand Gold Medal). The maximum of medals is 30% of the total of the samples presented[7] Partner competitions: Mondial du Sauvignon, Concours des Vins de Provence, Concours Mondial Argentina, Concours Mondial Brasil, Concours Mondial Chile, Concours Mondial Uruguay[7]

See also


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