Comparison of image processing software

Comparison of image processing software

The following table provides a comparison of image processing software.

Functionality Matlab*[1] Mathematica[2] imageJ FIJI (software) Population
Extract alpha channel No Yes No
Array labeling No Yes No
Bilateral filtering No Yes No
Intensity thresholding Yes Yes Yes
Color thresholding Yes Yes Yes
Validating binary image No Yes Yes
Blur No Yes Yes
Find uniform borders No Yes Yes
Bottom-hat transform Yes Yes Yes
Box kernel creation Yes Yes Yes
Active contour segmentation No Yes No
Chessboard distance No Yes No
Morphological closing Yes Yes Yes
K-Means clustering No Yes No
Partitioning around medoids No Yes No
Color channel combining No Yes Yes
Convert RGB to Grayscale Yes Yes Yes
Multilevel thresholding Yes No Yes
Convert index to RGB Yes No Yes
Convert to signed int16 Yes No Yes
Convert labels to RGB Yes Yes Yes
Image negative Yes Yes Yes
Color quantization No Yes No
Extract color channels No Yes Yes
Majority filtering No Yes No
Blob analysis Yes Yes No
Zero and Zero-crossings No Yes No
Harris-Stephens corners Yes Yes No
Minimum eigenvalue corners Yes Yes No
Harmonic Mean of eigenvalues corners Yes Yes No
Corner detection Yes No No
Zero-crossings No Yes No
Cross matrix creation Yes Yes No
Live image capturing No Yes No
Curvature flow filtering No Yes No
Darken image No Yes No
Remove border components Yes Yes No
Remove small components Yes Yes No
Otsu's size clustering No Yes No
Derivative filtering No Yes Yes
Create diamond matrix No Yes No
Dilate an image Yes Yes Yes
Create disk matrix No Yes No
Distance transformation Yes Yes Yes
Canny edge detector Yes Yes Yes
Sobel edge detector Yes Yes Yes
Shen-Castan edge detector No Yes No
Prewitt edge detector Yes No No
LoG edge detector Yes No No
Robert's edge detector Yes No No
Trace region boundaries Yes No No
Trace object bounday Yes No Yes
Entropy filtering Yes Yes No
Erode an image Yes Yes Yes
Hole filling Yes Yes Yes
Hole filling with ROI Yes Yes Yes
H-min transform Yes Yes No
H-max transform Yes Yes No
Find geometric transform Yes Yes No
Otsu's intensity thresholding Yes Yes No
Entropy minimization thresholding No Yes No
Minimum error thresholding No Yes No
Gaussian filtering No Yes Yes
Gaussian kernel creation No Yes Yes
Binary Geodesic reconstruction Yes Yes Yes
Geodesic reconstruction Yes Yes Yes
Geodesic erosion No Yes Yes
Geometric mean filtering No Yes Yes
Gradient filtering No Yes Yes
Harmanic mean filtering No Yes No
Hit-miss transformation Yes Yes Yes
Create an image No Yes Yes
Image add Yes Yes Yes
Image adjustment Yes Yes No
Find contrast stretch limit Yes No No
Histogram equalization Yes No Yes
Adaptive histogram equalization Yes No Yes
Image registration No Yes No
Arbitrary pixel operation Yes Yes No
Image aspect ratio No Yes No
Create an image montage Yes Yes No
Assemble images Yes Yes No
Live image capture No Yes No
Image channels No Yes No
Pixel value clipping No Yes No
Image color space No Yes Yes
Alpha compositing Yes Yes No
Image convolution Yes Yes Yes
Cooccurrence matrix Yes Yes No
Properties of cooccurrence matrix Yes No No
Image entropy Yes No No
Image correlation Yes Yes No
Image corresponding points No Yes No
Image cropping Yes Yes Yes
Image data No Yes No
Richardson-Lucy deconvolution Yes Yes No
Regularized deconvolution Yes Yes No
Wiener deconvolution Yes Yes No
Dampled least square deconvolution No Yes No
Tikhonov deconvolution No Yes No
Truncated SVD deconvolution No Yes No
Tikhonov-Golub-Kahan deconvolution No Yes No
Blind deconvolution Yes Yes No
Image difference Yes Yes Yes
Charcoal effect No Yes No
Embossing effect No Yes No
Oilpainting effect No Yes No
Solarization effect No Yes No
Motion blur effect No Yes No
Uniform noise effect Yes Yes Yes
Salt & pepper noise effect Yes Yes No
Gaussian noise effect Yes Yes Yes
Poisson noise effect Yes Yes Yes
Speckle noise effect Yes Yes Yes
Arbitrary local filtering Yes Yes No
Image foresting components No Yes No
Forward geometric transform Yes Yes No
Image histogram Yes Yes Yes
Keypoint detection No Yes No
Image levels No Yes No
Hough line detection Yes Yes No
Detecting peaks of Hough transform Yes Yes No
Image multiply Yes Yes No
Image divide Yes No Yes
Image padding Yes Yes No
Image parititioning No Yes Yes
Perspective transform No Yes No
Image validate No Yes
Image reflection No Yes No
Image resizing Yes Yes Yes
Image rotation Yes Yes No
Image subtract Yes Yes Yes
Image croping No Yes Yes
Arbitrary geometric transform Yes Yes No
Find output bounds Yes No No
Image trimming No Yes No
Image type No Yes Yes
Get image value No Yes No
Isotropic diffusion inpainting No Yes No
Total variation inpainting No Yes No
Fast marching inpainting No Yes No
Navier-Stokes inpainting No Yes No
Inverse distance transform No Yes No
Inverse radon transform Yes Yes No
Karhunen-Loeve decomposition No Yes No
Decorrelation stretch Yes No No
Kuwahara filtering No Yes No
Laplacian filtering No Yes Yes
Laplacian of Gaussian filtering No Yes Yes
Lighten image No Yes No
List deconvolution No Yes No
Region-of-interest processing No Yes Yes
Regional maxima detection Yes Yes Yes
Extended maxima detection Yes Yes Yes
Maximum filtering No Yes No
Mean filter No Yes Yes
Mean shift No Yes No
Mean shift filtering No Yes No
Median filtering Yes Yes Yes
Regional minima detection Yes Yes Yes
Extended minima detection Yes Yes Yes
Minimum filtering No Yes Yes
Hysteresis thresholding No Yes No
Branch point detection No Yes Yes
Connected component labeling Yes Yes Yes
Nested component labeling No Yes No
Convex component labeling No Yes No
Overlapping convex hull labeling No Yes No
Oerlapping bounding box labeling No Yes No
Bounding disk component labeling No Yes No
Image Euler number Yes Yes Yes
Create graph from image No Yes Yes
Image perimeter Yes Yes Yes
Binary neighborhood operation Yes Yes Yes
Binary morphological operations Yes Yes Yes
Image opening Yes Yes Yes
Perona-Malik diffusion filtering No Yes Yes
Get pixel value Yes Yes No
Principal components transform No Yes No
Morphological pruning No Yes No
Hough transform Yes Yes No
Radon transform Yes Yes No
Create random image No Yes Yes
Range filtering Yes Yes No
Rasterize No Yes No
Region growing segmentation No Yes Yes
Relief shading No Yes No
Alpha blending No Yes No
Resampling methods Yes Yes No
Ridge filtering No Yes No
Blob analysis No Yes No
Add alpha channel No Yes No
Sharen No Yes No
Skeleton transform No Yes Yes
Standard deviation filtering Yes Yes No
OCR No Yes Yes
Morphological thinning No Yes Yes
Medical axis detection No Yes No
Threshold image value Yes Yes Yes
Create thumbnail No Yes No
Top-hat transform Yes Yes Yes
Total variation filtering No Yes No
Meyer watershed Yes Yes Yes
Beucher-Meyer modified watershed No Yes No
Osma-Ruiz rainfall watershed No Yes No
Vincent-Soille watershed immersion No Yes No
Gradient descent watershed No Yes No
Wiener filtering Yes Yes No
Default imaging device No Yes
Available imaging devices No Yes No
Quadtree decomposition Yes No No
Quadtree block values Yes No No
Quadtree set block values Yes No No
  • Matlab is take to include the Matlab Image Processing Toolbox


  1. ^ [ Matlab image processing toolbox documentation]
  2. ^ [ Mathematica image processing documentation]

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