- Guidonian hand
Medieval music , the Guidonian hand was amnemonic device used to assist singers in learning to sight sing. Some form of the device may have been used byGuido of Arezzo , a medieval music theorist who wrote a number of treatises, including one instructing singers in sightreading. The hand occurs in some manuscripts before Guido's time as a tool to find the semitone, it does have the depicted form until the 12th century. Sigebertus Gemblacensis (c1105–10) did describe Guido using the joints of the hand to aid in teaching his hexachord. The Guidonian hand is closely linked with Guido's new ideas about how to learn music, including the use ofhexachord s, and the first known use ofsolfege .The idea of the Guidonian hand is that each portion of the hand represents a specific note within the hexachord system, which spans nearly three
octave s from "Γ "ut" (that is, "Gamma "ut") (the contraction of which is "gamut", which can refer to the entire span) to "E "la" (in other words, from the G at the bottom of the modern bass clef to the E at the top of the treble clef). In teaching, an instructor would indicate a series of notes by pointing to them on their hand, and the students would sing them. This is similar to the system of hand signals sometimes used in conjunction with solfege.There have been a number of variations in the position of the notes on the hand, and no one variation is definitive but, as in the example below, the notes of the gamut were mentally superimposed onto the joints and tips of the fingers of the left hand. Thus "gamma "ut" (two Gs below middle C) was the tip of the thumb, A ("A "re") was the inside of the thumb knuckle, B ("B "mi") was the joint at the base of the thumb, C ("C "fa ut") was the joint at the base of the index finger, and so on, spiraling around the hand counterclockwise past
middle C ("C "sol fa ut") until the D a ninth above middle C ("D "la sol") (the middle joint of the middle finger) and the E above that ("E "la") (the back of that joint, the only note on the back of the hand) were reached.This device allowed people to visualize where the half steps of the gamut were, and to visualize the interlocking positions of the hexachords (the names of which — "ut re mi fa sol la" — were taken from the hymn "
Ut queant laxis "). The Guidonian hand was reproduced in numerous medieval treatises.References
*Claude V. Palisca. "Guido of Arezzo", "Grove Music Online", ed. L. Macy (accessed
June 13 2007 ), [http://www.grovemusic.com/ grovemusic.com] (subscription access).
*Andrew Hughes. "Solmization", "Grove Music Online", ed. L. Macy (accessedMarch 12 2006 ), [http://www.grovemusic.com/ grovemusic.com] (subscription access).External links
* [http://ieee.uwaterloo.ca/praetzel/mp3-cd/info/raybro/solmization.html Hand of Guido]
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