
Abbreviated title (ISO) None
Discipline History of communism
Language French
Publication details
Publisher (France)
Publication history 1982-present
Frequency Biannually
ISSN 0751-3496

Communisme (French: communism) is a French multidisciplinary academic journal in the field of communist studies, focusing in particular on the history of communism, founded in 1982 by Annie Kriegel and Stéphane Courtois. The starting objective of the journal has been to scientifically analyze the history of communism.

In 1993, a part important of the Editorial Board show his disagree with this police evolution in studies of communism.

There are much agitation about the case of Jean Moulin (accused as a Soviet agent) and the publication of the Black Book of Communism (under the direction of Stéphane Coutrois. Courtois place in his preface nazism and communism on the same level).

In opposition with the police history of Stéphane Courtois, there are the resignations of Bartosek Karel and Nicolas Werth (the important author of the Black book of communism), Denis Peschanskiot (the first collaborator of the journal) and other of the editorial board.

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