- University of Saskatchewan College of Medicine
The College of Medicine of the University of Saskatchewan is the university's medical school. The school is located in Saskatoon. It is the only medical school in the Canadian province of Saskatchewan.
In 2009, there were 568 applicants for 84 spots in the M.D. program, yielding a 15% acceptance rate.[1] The average GPA was 89.4% and the average MCAT was 9.32 in 2008. [2]
A list of departments in the college:[3]
- Anatomy & Cell Biology
- Anesthesiology
- Biochemistry
- Community Health and Epidemiology
- Family Medicine
- Medical Imaging
- Medicine
- Microbiology
- Obstetrics & Gynecology
- Oncology/Radiology
- Ophthalmology
- Pathology
- Pediatrics
- Pharmacology
- Physiology
- Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation
- Psychiatry
- School of Physical Therapy
- Surgery
Royal University Hospital northern faceCollege of Medicine - University of Saskatchewan is linked to a number of organizations in the province:
- H.S. Computer Laboratory IHOR Continuing Medical Education
- Saskatchewan Stroke Research Centre Saskatoon Cancer Center Research Unit
- The Saskatchewan Neuroscience Network(SNN)
- Centre for Integrative Medicine
The college also offers:
- international programs - allowing students to further their studies abroad
- Aboriginal programs - Six spaces for first year students (Aboriginal Equity Program), Aboriginal Student Mentorship Program and Pre-Medicine Awards for Aboriginal Students (six awards per year).
Historical Sites and Monuments
Cobalt Teletherapy Unit
Appareil de traitement au cobalt
In 1951 Canadian Scientists, here and in London, Ontario, opened a new front in the battle against Cancer. Through a pioneering partnership, the two teams of physicists, physicians and engineers, working independently yet cooperatively, designed the Saskatoon and the Eldorado {London) cobalt teletherapy units. Both became prototypes for the first commercially available units, then called "Cobalt bombs", which allowed gamma radiation to be focussed directly on cancerous cells. Decades of effective worldwide use have proven the dependability of these units.
En 1951, des chercheurs canadiens firent une véritable percée dans la lutte contre le cancer. Un partenariat innovateur permit à deux équipes multidisciplinaires, ici à Saskatoon et à London, de concevoir des appareils de traitement au cobalt permettant de diriger avec précision les rayons gamma sur les cellules cancéreuses. Ces dispositifs servirent de prototypes au premier appareil mis en marché: la "bombe au cobalt". Utilisée dans le monde entier pendant des décennies, celle-ci a démontré son efficacité dans la lutte contre le cancer.
Historic Sites and Monuments Board of Canada
Commission des lieux et monuments historiques du Canada
Government of Canada - Gouvernement du CanadaReferences
External links
See also
- List of colleges and universities in Saskatchewan
- List of synchrotron radiation facilities
- University of Saskatchewan
- Vaccine and Infectious Disease Organization
University of Saskatchewan Colleges and Schools College of Agriculture and Bioresources • College of Arts and Science • College of Dentistry • College of Education • Edwards School of Business • College of Engineering • School of Environment and Sustainability • College of Graduate Studies and Research • College of Kinesiology • College of Law • College of Medicine • College of Nursing • College of Pharmacy and Nutrition • School of Physical Therapy • School of Public Health • Johnson-Shoyama Graduate School of Public Policy • Western College of Veterinary MedicineFederated and Affiliated Colleges Briercrest College • St. Thomas More College • Horizon College and Seminary • Saskatoon Theological Union • Gabriel Dumont Institute of Native Studies and Applied Research • St. Peter's CollegeOther Saskatchewan Huskies • University of Saskatchewan Students' Union • The Sheaf • Vaccine and Infectious Disease Organization • Canadian Light Source • Innovation Place Research Park • Museum of Antiquities • Plasma Physics Laboratory • Royal University Hospital • College Building • Saskatchewan Accelerator Laboratory • Memorial Gates • Griffiths Stadium • Rugby Chapel
Categories:- University of Saskatchewan
- Schools of medicine in Canada
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