

A kommunkod (municipal code) is a numerical code given to all Swedish municipalities by the Swedish tax authorities. The code consists of four digits, the first two indicating which county the municipality is situated in, and the last two specific for the municipality.

The code system was introduced with the municipal reform of 1952. There were three different categories of municipalities at the time, which affected the number that they were allocated. Those with stad-status (cities) were given codes ending in 80 to 99, smaller towns (köping) 60 to 79 and rural municipalities 01 to 59. The county seats were allocated codes ending in 80.

As part of the reform in the early 1970s, the categorization of municipalities was abolished, but the code was in most cases preserved. When several municipalities were merged, the code for the biggest municipality was kept.

See also

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  • Code for municipality — (kommunkod) is a numbercode given to all Swedish municipalities by the Swedish tax authorities.The code is set up by four numbers, the two first the county and the last two for the municipality.The code system was introduced with the municipality …   Wikipedia

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