- Cloud Manufacturing
Cloud manufacturing is a computing and service-oriented manufacturing model developed from existing advanced manufacturing models (e.g., ASP, AM, NM, MGrid) and enterprise information technologies under the support of cloud computing, Internet of Things (IoT), virtualization and service-oriented technologies, and advanced computing technologies.
In CMfg system, various manufacturing resources and abilities can be intelligently sensed and connected into wider internet, and automatically managed and controlled using IoT technologies (e.g., RFID, wired and wireless sensor network, embedded system). Then the manufacturing resources and abilities are virtualized and encapsulated into different manufacturing cloud services (MCSs), that can be accessed, invoked, and deployed based on knowledge by using virtualization technologies, service-oriented technologies, and cloud computing technologies. The MCSs are classified and aggregated according to specific rules and algorithms, and different kinds of manufacturing clouds are constructed. Different users can search and invoke the qualified MCSs from related manufacturing cloud according to their needs, and assemble them to be a virtual manufacturing environment or solution to complete their manufacturing task involved in the whole life cycle of manufacturing processes under the support of cloud computing, service-oriented technologies, and advanced computing technologies[1]
- ^ F, Tao; L Zhang, VC Venkatesh, YL Luo, Y Cheng (2011). "Cloud manufacturing: a computing and service-oriented manufacturing model". Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part B, Journal of Engineering Manufacture. doi:10.1177/0954405411405575.
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.