- Civil Society Coalition on Climate Change
The Civil Society Coalition on Climate Change (or CSCCC) is an entity that maintains a website and describes itself as a global group of non-profit organizations with a mission of "seek[ing] to educate the public about the science and economics of climate change in an impartial manner." The Coalition identifies its membership as including 60 independent nonprofit organisations from 40 countries "who share a commitment to improving public understanding about a range of public policy issues."[1] It calls itself "a free-market alternative to mainstream environmentalism."[2] An Indian news media report states that it was founded by the International Policy Network, a London-based organization that receives support from Exxon Mobil.[3]
The group publishes background papers and opinion editorials on the science and economics of climate change and maintains a blog. Its Civil Society Report on Climate Change was published in 2007, shortly before the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change conference in Bali.[4] CSCCC experts make media appearances, such as Julian Morris's 2007 feature on Larry King Live and his televised debate in 2008 with IPCC head Rajendra Pachauri.
This IPN in the UK has Julian Morris as Executive Director. It is actually a part of the Atlas Group/Network (aka Atlas Economic Research Institute) which was founded by UK factory-chicken king, Sir Antony Fisher (one of PM Margaret Thatcher's economic gurus) and American Loctite millionaire Richard Krieble. They had funding support from Krieble, Richard Mellon Scaife, and Philip Morris. [1] Fisher is reputed to have had a primary hand in establishing up to 150 libertarian think-tanks around the world.
Fisher's daughter, Linda Whetstone, now works for the (Fisher-founded) Adam Smith Institute. She is also the chairperson of the International Policy Network, and is on the Boards of Directors of the Mont Pelerin Society, the Institute of Economic Affairs and the Atlas Group in the USA. [2] Coalitions and networks of this kind a common with Atlas Group think-tanks, and many of their key staff and directors serve on many different organisations. This faux-multiplicity amplifies the apparent strength of the public attacks on climate-change science. See also the Stockholm Network.[3] and [4]
Member organizations
The coalition lists the following as its member organizations:[5]
- Adam Smith Institute, UK
- Alabama Policy Institute, USA
- Alternative Policy Solutions Institute, Pakistan
- Americans for Tax Reform, USA
- Asociación de Consumidores Libres, Costa Rica
- Association for Liberal Thinking, Turkey
- Berlin Manhattan Institute, Germany
- Bluegrass Institute for Public Policy, USA
- Cascade Policy Institute, USA
- Cathay Institute of Public Affairs, China
- CEDICE, Venezuela
- CEES, Guatemala
- Centre Des Affaires Humaines, Burkina Faso
- The Centre for Ethics and Technological Development, Nigeria
- Centro de Innovación y Desarrollo Humano, Uruguay
- CEPOS, Denmark
- CEPPRO, Paraguay
- China’s Center for Economic Transition, China
- CIIMA-ESEADE, Argentina
- CIEN, Guatemala
- Commonwealth Foundation, USA
- European Center for Economic Growth, Austria
- Federazione Ambiente Agricoltura, Italy
- Free Market Foundation, South Africa
- Frontier Centre for Public Policy, Canada
- Fundacion Atlas 1853, Argentina
- Fundacion Libertad, Panama
- Hayek Institute, Austria
- IEEP, Ecuador
- Imani: The Centre for Humane Education, Ghana
- INESS, Slovakia
- Initiative of Public Policy Analysis, Nigeria
- INLAP, Costa Rica
- Institut Constant de Rebecque, Switzerland
- Institute for Democracy and Economic Affairs (IDEAS), Malaysia
- Institute for Market Economics, Bulgaria
- Institute of Economic Analysis, Russia
- Institute of Public Affairs, Australia
- Instituto Democracia y Mercado, Chile
- Instituto de Estudios de la Accion Humana, Peru
- Instituto de Libre Empresa, Peru
- Instituto Liberdade, Brazil
- International Policy Network, UK
- Istituto Bruno Leoni, Italy
- Jerusalem Institute for Market Studies, Israel
- John Locke Foundation, USA
- Liberales Institut, Switzerland
- Liberalni Institute, Czech Republic
- Libertad y Desarrollo, Chile
- Liberty Institute, India
- Lion Rock Institute, Hong Kong
- Lithuanian Free Market Institute, Lithuania
- Minimal Government Thinkers, The Philippines
- New Economic School, Georgia
- New Zealand Business Roundtable, New Zealand
- Reason Foundation, USA
- Tennessee Center for Policy Research, USA
- Taxpayers’ Alliance, UK
- Washington Policy Center, USA
- ^ http://csccc.info/about/
- ^ http://csccc.info/2007/11/[2]
- ^ Climate change deniers spreading misinformation: Environmental groups, Newstrack India, June 18, 2011
- ^ Civil Society Report on Climate Change, ChallengingClimate.org website
- ^ http://csccc.info/members/
External links
- Official website
- http://www.youtube.com/user/ipnlondon#p/u/14/gIBSKk0b3Zo[3
- http://www.youtube.com/user/ipnlondon#p/u/13/AiycS7t-peU[3
- http://www.youtube.com/user/ipnlondon#p/u/12/SE5Ixn7dxUU[4
Further reading
Categories:- Climate change organizations
- International organizations
- Civil society
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.