

Ciambotta or Giambotta is a typical dish of southern Italian cuisine, essentially a stew, which can be eaten as a side dish or first depending on its ingredients and how it is cooked.

The ciambotta is based on vegetables, but may have other ingredients such as meat or fish. The vegetable choices are usually potatoes, eggplant,[1] tomatoes, peppers, chilli, onion and herbs.

The best-known variants are:

  • The Lucan ciambotta - Lucan-based sausage, peppers, onions, eggs, tomato, typical products of Basilicata especially in San Costantino Albanese, Terranova del Pollino, Noepoli
  • Apulian ciambotta -uses fish typical of Puglia.
  • The Neapolitan ciambotta - usually prepared with boiled beef, potatoes, tomatoes and onions. It is usually seasoned with chili pepper and oregano.
  • The Cilento ciambota -consisting of eggplant, potatoes, peppers and sometimes tomatoes in a pan. In the area of Benevento, it may be made from potatoes, green beans, zucchini and chard.


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