Basilica of St. Ursula

Basilica of St. Ursula
Church from the east
Interior of St. Ursula

The Basilica church of St. Ursula is located in Cologne the Rhineland, Germany. It is built upon the ancient ruins of a Roman cemetery, where the 11,000 virgins associated with the legend of Saint Ursula were said to have been buried.[1] The church has an impressive reliquary created from the bones of the former occupants of the cemetery. It is one of the twelve Romanesque churches of Cologne[2] and was designated a Minor Basilica on 25 June 1920. While the nave and crossing tower are Romanesque, the choir has been rebuilt in the Gothic style.


See also

  • Twelve Romanesque churches of Cologne
  • List of basilica churches in Germany
  • Victor von Carben


  1. ^ Dunton, Larkin (1896). The World and Its People. Silver, Burdett. p. 185. 
  2. ^ Sacred Destinations:, The Twelve Romanesque Churches of Cologne (accessed 2011-04-17)


  • Heinz Firmenich: St. Ursula und die Maria-Ablaß-Kapelle in Köln. Rheinischer Verein für Denkmalpflege und Landschaftsschutz, Köln 1976, ISBN 3-88094-150-5
  • Werner Schäfke: Kölns romanische Kirchen. Architektur Kunst Geschichte. Emons, Köln 2004, ISBN 3-89705-321-7
  • Hiltrud Kier, Ulrich Krings: Die Romanischen Kirchen in Köln, Vista Point Verlag, Köln 1991, ISBN 3-88973-601-7
  • Gernot Nürnberger: Die Ausgrabungen in St. Ursula zu Köln Dissertation, Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität, Bonn 2002
  • Sabine Czymmek, Die Kölner romanischen Kirchen, Schatzkunst, Bd. 2, Köln 2009 (= Colonia Romanica, Jahrbuch des Fördervereins Romanische Kirchen Köln e. V., Bd. XXIII, 2008), S. 225-289, ISBN 978-3-7743-0422-2

External links

Media related to St. Ursula (Köln) at Wikimedia Commons

Coordinates: 50°56′45″N 6°57′16″E / 50.94583°N 6.95444°E / 50.94583; 6.95444

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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