Christine Berl

Christine Berl

Christine Berl (born July 22, 1943) is an American composer. She was born in New York City, and graduated with a Bachelor of Arts degree in piano from Mannes College of Music in 1964. She continued her education at Queen's College, graduating with a Master of Arts degree in composition in 1970.[1][2]

After completing her education, she married and had two sons. She has served as artistic consultant for Tirreno Records.[3] Berl was honored with a Distinguished Artist Series concert in 1990.[1]


Selected works include:

  • Dark Summer for voice, piano, and string trio, 1989
  • The Violent Beer it Away for orchestra, 1988
  • Elgy for piano solo, 1974
  • Three pieces for Chamber Ensemble, 1975
  • Sonata for piano, 1986–87
  • The Lord of the Dance, 1989[1]

Her work has been recorded and issued on media, including:

  • Three Pieces For Chamber Ensemble, American Society Of University Composers (Record No.7) (LP) 1984


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