Christian Gottlieb Ludwig

Christian Gottlieb Ludwig

Christian Gottlieb Ludwig (April 30, 1709May 7, 1773) was a German physician and botanist who was born in Brzeg, Silesia. He was the father of Christian L. Ludwig (17491784), who is known for his translations of Joseph Priestley's scientific experiments.

From 1728 he studied medicine and botany at the University of Leipzig, but due to lack of funds he was forced to discontinue his studies and took a job as a botanist on an expedition to Africa under the leadership of Johann Ernst Hebenstreit (17031757). In 1733 he resumed his studies, and in 1736 gave lectures at Leipzig. In 1737 he earned his doctorate under Augustin Friedrich Walther (16881746), and in 1740 became an associate professor of medicine. At Leipzig he would subsequently become a full professor of medicine (1747), pathology (1755), and therapy (1758).

Ludwig is remembered for his correspondence with Carl Linnaeus, particularly regarding discussions of latter's classification system. It was Linnaeus who named the plant genus Ludwigia in honor of Ludwig.

Selected publications

  • De vegetatione plantarum marinarum (1736)
  • De sexu plantarum (dissertation- 1737)
  • Institvtiones historico-physicae regni vegetabilis in usum auditorum adornatae... (1742)
  • Institutiones medicinae clinicae praelectionibus academicis accomodatae (1758)
  • Of lumbricis intestina perforantibus (1761)
  • Ectypa vegetabilium (17601764)
  • Adversaria medico-practica (3 volumes 17691773)
  • Commentarii of rebus in scientia naturali and medicina gestis (Zeitschrift 17521806, Mitgründer)


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