- Christopher Guinness
Christopher Guinness Born Christopher Marlon Guinness
November 22, 1981
San Fernando, Trinidad and TobagoSpouse Leizelle Guinness Website http://christopherguinness.com Christopher Guinness is an animator and art director from Trinidad and Tobago. Graduating from Sheridan College in Ontario, Canada, he is a multi-award winner in the Caribbean advertising and animation circuit.
Christopher has worked at two agencies: McCann Erickson and Lonsdale Saatchi and Saatchi.
At McCann Erickson he took the job title of a graphic artist winning the 2006 Animae Caribe Most Successful Commercial Animation Award for his work on the bmobile Passion Anime (Fifa World Cup 2006) television commercial.[1] He would later go on to win the AAF US National Gold ADDY Awards in the category of "Animation or Special Effects Video, Film", making him the first and only Caribbean National to date to win at final stage of the ADDY Awards.[2]
In 2007 after leaving McCann Erickson, Christopher would take the position of Art Director at Lonsdale Saatchi and Saatchi. His work on the "it matters" campaign won the Western Union's North American/Caribbean advertising account in October 2007. The "it matters" campaign would go on to win 6 Awards in 2008 at the 9th AAATT Advertising Awards including the "Best Integrated Campaign of the Year" award.[3] Lonsdale Saatchi and Saatchi also won 33 awards, the most of any agency that night.[4] Christopher won 18 awards in 2009 at the CAF ADDY Awards including Best of Show Overall for the body of work on Western Union, Best of Show Print for the "it matters" Support Ad and Best of Show TV for the Blink Olympic Television Commercial.[5]
In 2010 Christopher's work on Volvo gained him his second AAF US National ADDY Awards in the category of "Video Sales Presentation".[6] Animal Instinct, a spot for the 2010 FIFA world Cup garnered him a 2010 Animae Caribe Best Use of Animation in the Media Award,[7] along with 3 CAF Gold ADDYs,[8] the 2011 CAF Addys Judge's Choice for Creative Excellence,[9] 3 4AAF Gold ADDYs,[10] the 2011 4AAF Charlie Award for Self Promotion,[11] the 7th TIAF Best Advertisement Animation Award[12] and a Silver ADDY at the AAF US National ADDY Awards giving him his 3rd trophy at ADDY's grandest stage.[13]
Christopher now owns and operates a design, film and animation agency and serves as the President of the Caribbean Advertising Federation. He has won 60 awards locally, regionally and internationally.
Notable awards
- 2006 Animae Caribe Awards: Most Successful Commercial Animation - bmobile Passion Anime (Fifa World Cup 2006)
- 2007 CAF Gold ADDY Awards: Television - bmobile Passion Anime (Fifa World Cup 2006)
- 2007 CAF Gold ADDY Awards: Animation or Special Effects Video, Film - bmobile Passion Anime (Fifa World Cup 2006)
- 2007 CAF ADDY Awards: Judges Choice Best Art Direction - bmobile Passion Anime (Fifa World Cup 2006)
- 2007 AAF District 4 Gold ADDY Awards: Animation or Special Effects Video, Film - bmobile Passion Anime (Fifa World Cup 2006)
- 2007 AAF US National Gold ADDY Awards: Animation or Special Effects Video, Film - bmobile Passion Anime (Fifa World Cup 2006)
- 2008 CAF Silver ADDY Awards: Television - Coca Cola Cans Multi-brand
- 2008 CAF Silver ADDY Awards: Television - Green Sands Snake
- 2008 CAF Silver ADDY Awards: Television - Green Sands UFO
- 2008 AAF District 4 Gold ADDY Awards: Local TV - Green Sands TV
- 2008 AAF District 4 Gold ADDY Awards: Mixed-Media, Local Consumer - Green Sands
- 2008 Advertising Agency Association of Trinidad and Tobago Design: Agency Self Promotion - "It’s like Killing Yourself"
- 2008 AAATT Design: Internet Site/Web Page Design - Western Union “it matters”
- 2008 AAATT Corporate/Institutional: Television - Western Union “it matters”
- 2008 AAATT Financial Products and Services: Press - Western Union “it matters”
- 2008 AAATT Financial Products and Services: Jingle - Western Union “it matters”
- 2008 AAATT Financial Products and Services: Integrated Campaign - Western Union “it matters”
- 2008 AAATT BEST OF SHOW: Integrated Campaign - Western Union “it matters”
- Ads of the World November 2008 Best From Emerging Market - Western Union “it matters”
- 2009 CAF Silver ADDY Awards: Campaign - "It's like Killing Yourself" D&D
- 2009 CAF Silver ADDY Awards: TV/Broadcast - "It's like Killing Yourself" D&D
- 2009 CAF Silver ADDY Awards: Outdoor Board - Western Union "it matters" School
- 2009 CAF Silver ADDY Awards: Outdoor Board - Western Union "it matters" Shelter
- 2009 CAF Silver ADDY Awards: Photography Campaign - Western Union "it matters"
- 2009 CAF Silver ADDY Awards: Photography - Western Union "it matters"
- 2009 CAF Silver ADDY Awards: Newspaper Campaign - Western Union "it matters"
- 2009 CAF Gold ADDY Awards: Campaign - Western Union "it matters"
- 2009 CAF Gold ADDY Awards: Cinematography - Western Union "it matters"
- 2009 CAF Gold ADDY Awards: Online - Western Union "it matters" Christmas
- 2009 CAF Gold ADDY Awards: Animation or Special Effects - Western Union "it matters" Christmas Card
- 2009 CAF Gold ADDY Awards: Full Page Ad - Western Union "it matters" Support
- 2009 CAF Gold ADDY Awards: Full Page Ad - Western Union "it matters" School
- 2009 CAF Gold ADDY Awards: Animation or Special Effects - Blink Olympics
- 2009 CAF Gold ADDY Awards: TV/Broadcast - Blink Olympics
- 2009 CAF ADDY Awards: BEST OF SHOW TV - Blink Olympics
- 2009 CAF ADDY Awards: BEST OF SHOW PRINT - Western Union "it matters" Support
- 2009 CAF ADDY Awards: BEST OF SHOW OVERALL - Western Union "it matters"
- 2009 AAF District 4 Silver ADDY Awards: Animation or Special Effects - Blink Olympics
- 2009 AAF District 4 Silver ADDY Awards: TV/Broadcast - Blink Olympics
- 2009 AAF District 4 Silver ADDY Awards: TV/Broadcast - Western Union
- 2009 AAF District 4 Silver ADDY Awards: Online/E-Card - Western Union Christmas
- 2010 CAF Silver ADDY Awards: Self Promotion - Lonsdale Saatchi & Saatchi Campaign
- 2010 CAF Silver ADDY Awards: Press - Angostura Don't Drive & Drive
- 2010 CAF Silver ADDY Awards: Local TV - Caribbean Games
- 2010 CAF Silver ADDY Awards: Online - Caribbean Games
- 2010 CAF Silver ADDY Awards: Jingle - Caribbean Games
- 2010 CAF Gold ADDY Awards: Audio/Visual Sales Presentation - Volvo Viral
- 2010 AAF District 4 Gold ADDY Awards: Audio/Visual Sales Presentation - Volvo Viral
- 2010 AAF US National Silver ADDY Awards: Audio/Visual Sales Presentation - Volvo Viral
- 2010 Animae Caribe Awards: Best Use of Animation in the Media - Animal Instinct (FIFA World Cup 2010)
- 2011 CAF Gold ADDY Awards: Interactive Self Promotion - Animal Instinct (FIFA World Cup 2010)
- 2011 CAF Gold ADDY Awards: Animation or Special Effects Video, Film - Animal Instinct (FIFA World Cup 2010)
- 2011 CAF Gold ADDY Awards: Animation or Special Effects Internet - Animal Instinct (FIFA World Cup 2010)
- 2011 CAF ADDY Awards: The Judges Choice Award for Creative Excellence - Animal Instinct (FIFA World Cup 2010)
- 2011 AAF District 4 Gold ADDY Awards]: Interactive Self Promotion - Animal Instinct (FIFA World Cup 2010)
- 2011 AAF District 4 Gold ADDY Awards: Animation or Special Effects Video, Film - Animal Instinct (FIFA World Cup 2010)
- 2011 AAF District 4 Gold ADDY Awards: Animation or Special Effects Internet - Animal Instinct (FIFA World Cup 2010)
- 2011 AAF District 4 Charlie Award: BEST OF SELF PROMOTION - Animal Instinct (FIFA World Cup 2010)
- 2011 AAF US National Silver ADDY Awards: Animation or Special Effects Video, Film - Animal Instinct (FIFA World Cup 2010)
- 7th Tehran International Animation Festival: Best Advertisement Animation Award - Animal Instinct (FIFA World Cup 2010)
- 2007 National Youth Awards Nominee (Arts and Culture).
- Conceptualized and won the US/Caribbean Account for Western Union in 2008
- Conceptualized and won the CANOC Caribbean Games Account in 2009
- Conceptualized and won the TSTT Security Account in 2009
- Directed Leizelle Guinness Award Winning Animation for Adobe’s 2008 Cut and Paste Challenge: People Choice Winner[14]
- Directed and animated digital content and television commercials for Coca Cola International, Western Union Money Transfer, TSTT Telecommunications, Unit Trust Corporation of Trinidad and Tobago,Angostura Ltd, Heineken, Caribbean Association of National Olympic Committee and Island People Mas.
- Featured on BestAdsonTV.com[15]
- Featured on AdsoftheWorld.com[16]
- Featured on the Saatchi.com[17]
- Featured on the Ideas Super Store on MySaatchi.com
- ^ http://legacy.guardian.co.tt/archives/2006-10-26/business3.html - Animae Caribe 2006 Awards
- ^ http://www.thetobagonews.com/index.pl/article?id=11964711 - Caribbean's 1st US National Gold Addy Awards.
- ^ http://guardian.co.tt/business/business/2008/12/25/gracekennedy-celebrates-16-years - Western Union Wins at AAATT Awards
- ^ http://www.newsday.co.tt/news/0,88776.html - 2008 AAATT Awards Newspaper Article.
- ^ http://www.saatchi.com/news/archive/lonsdale_saatchi__saatchi_trinidad_addy_success - Saatchi.com Highlight.
- ^ *http://dvserver.net/addy2010/silver/award_winners.html - 2010 US National Silver ADDY Awards
- ^ *http://www.animaecaribe.com/content/Animae%20Caribe%20Winners.pdf
- ^ *https://docs.google.com/viewer?a=v&pid=explorer&chrome=true&srcid=0BwOTMIkWbvoKMTlhM2E5NGItY2E1YS00ZDYxLWE1N2MtMWI4ZjY0YjVkNmQw&hl=en
- ^ *https://docs.google.com/document/d/1ZBu940DcFnieMi0nNMqNxKh1li2mSsPiwdZi6HTxjSg/edit?hl=en&pli=1
- ^ *https://docs.google.com/leaf?id=0BwOTMIkWbvoKMGFmZDM2Y2MtN2Y4Zi00MTBhLWJkODAtOWNjZTdlNGRhZDM2&sort=name&layout=list&num=50
- ^ *https://docs.google.com/leaf?id=0BwOTMIkWbvoKMGFmZDM2Y2MtN2Y4Zi00MTBhLWJkODAtOWNjZTdlNGRhZDM2&sort=name&layout=list&num=50
- ^ *http://www.tehrantimes.com/index_View.asp?code=237317
- ^ *http://dvserver.net/addy2011/silver/award_winners.html
- ^ http://swp.cutandpaste.com/winners Adobe’s 2008 Cut and Paste Challenge: People Choice Winner
- ^ http://www.bestadsontv.com/ad_details.php?id=12420 - Best Ads on Tv Highlight
- ^ http://adsoftheworld.com/blog/ivan/2009/jan/20/ads_of_the_world_november_2008_winners - Ads of the World Highlight
- ^ http://www.saatchi.com/news/archive/lonsdale_saatchi__saatchi_trinidad_addy_success
- http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3033/3043864270_b4d9d9dd2e.jpg?v=0– Best Animated Spot News Paper Clipping
- http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3048/3043780714_ed043aa36b.jpg?v=0 – 2007 District 4 ADDY Awards News Paper Clipping
- http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3286/3043780758_a07e77a042.jpg?v=0 – bmobile wins on Global Stage News paper Clipping
- http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3136/3043780718_49f90b9d7b.jpg?v=0 – 1st Caribbean US National Addy Press Ad
- http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3242/3043864304_34668a9da9.jpg?v=0 – 2008 AAATT Awards Guardian Newspaper Clipping
- http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3241/3043864278_4639edfc52.jpg?v=0 – 2008 AAATT Newsday Newspaper Clipping
- http://adsoftheworld.com/blog/ivan/2009/jan/20/ads_of_the_world_november_2008_winners - Ads of the World Best From Emerging Market
- http://www.newsday.co.tt/businessday/0,54289.html - 2007 CAF ADDY Awards
- http://www.newsday.co.tt/businessday/print,0,58090.html - 2007 AAF US National ADDY Awards Win
- http://www.prnewswire.com/cgi-bin/stories.pl?ACCT=104&STORY=/www/story/03-10-2008/0004771226&EDATE= - 2008 CAF ADDY awards
- https://docs.google.com/fileview?id=0Bz6xZ3KRAQE1MGI1ZDJlYWItNzliMi00MjZhLWIzN2ItM2M2OWEzMjkyMWZh&hl=en - 2009 CAF ADDY Awards Winners
- http://guardian.co.tt/business/business/2009/04/06/lonsdale-wins-best-show-trophy - Lonsdale Wins Best of Show Trophy 2009 CAF ADDY Awards Article
- http://newsflash.publicis.com/uploadedDocs/20090409_Trinidad.pdf - 2009 CAF ADDY Awards Publicis Press Release
- http://www.4aaf.com/pdf/AddyWinners.pdf - 2007 4th District ADDY Awards Winners
- http://www.4aaf.com/pdf/2008ADDYWinnersBook.pdf - 2008 4th District ADDY Awards Winners
- http://www.4aaf.com/pdf/08-09_4aaf_winners.pdf - 2009 4th District ADDY Awards Winners
- http://www.4aaf.com/pdf/ADDY2010_WinBk_LR.pdf - 2010 4th District ADDY Awards Winners
- http://www.aaf.org/default.asp?id=782 - 2007 US National Gold ADDY Awards
- http://dvserver.net/addy2010/silver/award_winners.html - 2010 US National Silver ADDY Awards
- http://www.animaecaribe.com/content/Animae%20Caribe%20Winners.pdf - Animae Caribe 2010 Awards
- https://docs.google.com/viewer?a=v&pid=explorer&chrome=true&srcid=0BwOTMIkWbvoKMTlhM2E5NGItY2E1YS00ZDYxLWE1N2MtMWI4ZjY0YjVkNmQw&hl=en - 2011 CAF ADDY Awards Winners
- https://docs.google.com/document/d/1ZBu940DcFnieMi0nNMqNxKh1li2mSsPiwdZi6HTxjSg/edit?hl=en - 2011 CAF ADDY Awards Press Release
- http://www.tehrantimes.com/index_View.asp?code=237317 - 7th Tehran International Animation Festival Winners
- https://docs.google.com/leaf?id=0BwOTMIkWbvoKMGFmZDM2Y2MtN2Y4Zi00MTBhLWJkODAtOWNjZTdlNGRhZDM2&sort=name&layout=list&num=50 - 2011 4th District ADDY Awards Winners
- http://dvserver.net/addy2011/silver/award_winners.html - 2011 National ADDY Award Winners
External links
- http://christopherguinness.com - Website
- http://www.saatchi.com - Saatchi & Saatchi Advertising
Categories:- 1981 births
- Animators
- Animated film directors
- Businesspeople in advertising
- Living people
- Art directors
- Trinidad and Tobago artists
- Sheridan College alumni
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