
A tapa of fried chistorra.
Alternative name(s) birika, txistorra
Place of origin Spain
Region or state Basque country
Dish details
Main ingredient(s) minced pork

Chistorra (Basque: txistorra) is a type of fast-cure sausage from the Basque country and Navarre, Spain. It is made of minced pork, or a mixture of minced pork and beef, is encased in either lamb tripe or plastic, and has a fat content that varies between 70 and 80%. The sausage is flavored with garlic, salt, and paprika, which gives it a bright red color. It is usually baked, fried, or grilled and often accompanies other dishes, sometimes as part of tapas. The final cured product tends to be thinner than traditional chorizo or sausage, with a diameter of approximately 25 mm. The sausages average 40 cm in length, though there are cases when they reach up to 1 meter long.

In some localities, chistorra is known as birika, the Basque word for lungs, and is made of pig lungs rather than regular meat. The local variety of chistorra available in the province of León is called Chistorra de León, and is made with a larger percentage of beef.


Huevos rotos con chistorra y patatas, a popular dish.

One of the most popular dishes involving chistorra is huevos rotos con chistorra y patatas, a dish with fried eggs and potatoes.

Chistorra is usually fried whole, but served chopped into smaller sections as a tapa. Fried chistorra is often accompanied by beer or wine, especially of the Txakoli variety. Fried chistorra is also a typical bocadillo (sandwich) filler (bocadillo de chistorra).

Other common dishes include croissant preñado, a croissant with chistorra filler, and tortilla con chistorra, a potato or egg omelet with chistorra.

Chistorra is a traditionally served on the feast day of Thomas the Apostle (December 21) in San Sebastián. During the festivities, chistorra is often served alongside talo and is accompanied by cider.

See also

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