Children of Fate: Life and Death in a Sicilian Family

Children of Fate: Life and Death in a Sicilian Family
Children of Fate: Life and Death in a Sicilian Family
Directed by Andrew Young
Susan Todd
Release date(s) 1993
Running time 85 minutes
Country United States
Language English

Children of Fate: Life and Death in a Sicilian Family is a 1993 documentary film about life in the slums of Palermo, Sicily, directed by Andrew Young and Susan Todd.

The film is a sequel to Cortile Cascino, a 1961 documentary shot by Andrew Young's father, Robert M. Young, which depicted the eponymous Palermo slum and told the story of Angela Capra and her family. Children of Fate picks up the story 30 years on, showing Capra now separated from her husband, and the fates of her children.

The film was nominated for an Academy Award for Best Documentary Feature.[1]


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Preceded by
A Brief History of Time
Sundance Grand Jury Prize: Documentary
Succeeded by
Freedom on My Mind

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